Chapter 8

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Jimin walked into the classroom with confidence. His friends spotted him and immediately greeted him with giant grins and big waves. "Jimin, what are we going to play during lunch today?" Jimin smirked as he pulled out the latest in-demand action figure from his bag. His friends gasped in awe, their eyes sparkling at the sight of such a cool toy. "Woah, that's so cool Jimin! We'll have lots of fun!" Jimin smiled in satisfaction as he put the toy back in his bag, away from the prying eyes of the others. A girl in his group came up to him shyly. "Jimin, I brought my teddy bear with me today, can we play with him too?" Jimin laughed meanly, "But toys like that are for girls, no one else is going to play with them! Play by yourself if you want to play with your bear! The rest of us will play with my toy," he said with no regard for his classmate's feelings. She left in disappointment. 

Jimin was the ringleader of a group of classmates. Everyday, he dictated what the group would play with during lunch. He decided what was cool and what was not. His classmates looked up to him and were willing to do anything to please him. He loved it. He basked in the admiration everyone else gave him. He felt unstoppable when people complimented him and asked to play with him. He thought he was the king of the world. 

The rest of his friends looked at him in surprise. It was normal for him to reject people who wanted to play with things like soft toys, but he had never turned them away so cruelly before. Never had he been so condescending. He caught them staring and snapped, "What are you guys looking at?" They quickly turned away, confused and scared.

Jimin got to the bedroom and collapsed on his bed. He took several deep breaths. He opened his bedside drawer and pulled out his favourite toy, a stuffed bunny. "Snowy, I'm scared. It happened again. I went to school, and then I couldn't remember anything that happened next. All I saw was black, like I was sleeping. But I remember what happened in all my classes, it's just the breaks that I've forgotten." He cuddled Snowy, seeking comfort from the toy he confided in. "All day, everyone was looking at me like they were scared of me. But I don't know what I did, because I can't remember. What if they don't want to be friends with me anymore? I won't even know the reason." He sighed, and went to unpack his bag. The first thing he took out was the action toy. "When did I pack this? I don't like action figures...this must be one of the others' toys. I'll ask them tomorrow. Maybe I accidentally took it." With that, he put the toy back in his bag and went on with his day. But there was always the underlying, lingering fear that something was wrong.

"Oh, Snowy, I'm so confused! I can't remember my breaks again. And, when I asked my classmates about the toy in class, they looked at me like I was crazy! What is going on? What if something bad's happening to me?" Jimin felt tears form in his eyes as he voiced out his fears for the first time. "Maybe I should tell one of my hyungs... no, I shouldn't. They're dealing with Dad, I shouldn't burden them." And so he kept his worries to himself. 

Another day passed, and he was back at school. He was an angel in class, doing his work diligently and trying his best to answer questions. The teachers often praised him for working hard and doing his best. To them, he was the sweetest boy. They didn't see how he changed during breaks. Jimin's smile was almost evil as he walked up to his group. "Guys, I've decided to make a nickname for myself." "W-what is it, Jimin?" The other children asked in small voices.


Jimin spent time with Snowy yet again, with more things to spill. "Today, after lunch, everyone started calling me Jay. I don't know why, but it's probably something that happened during lunch. I wish I could remember, I wish I could figure out why everything goes into darkness every break. I want to know why I'm trapped all the time. And I want to know why I don't know what I'm doing when it is definitely still me." He was getting more confused day by day, with so many unexplainable things occurring. 

It was like there was another version of him.

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