Chapter 30

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"What does everyone feel like doing today? We should spend some time together, I feel like we haven't done that in ages!" Mr Kim suggested as the family ate breakfast. Tae immediately exclaimed, "The zoo!" But Yoongi was quick to reject the idea, "No, it's too hot and there's hardly any shelter. Besides, it's too far away." Tae pouted but he didn't argue. Everyone kept quiet as they racked their brains for something to do together. "Honestly," Jin said, "I just want to be able to chat with everyone and eat some food together. That's enough for me. We don't have to do anything fancy." The rest considered this, and nodded in agreement. "What about a picnic then? Jin and I can cook some food up and we can go to the park nearby. It can be a nice outdoor lunch," Mr Kim proposed. The boys readily said yes, and sped up their devouring of their breakfast to go get ready for the picnic.

No one realised that Jungkook was frowning as he trudged upstairs.

Jin joined his father in the kitchen, excited to show off his cooking skills. "What should we make, Dad? Sandwiches?" Mr Kim got the cutting board and children's knife out for Jin, as well as some tomatoes and cucumbers. "That's a great idea, Jin! Why don't you chop up these veggies for me while I cook some meat?" Jin enthusiastically started cutting the vegetables, being quick but careful. He had certainly improved in his cutting skills over the years. Mr Kim still winced whenever he thought about Jin's first few attempts which had ended up with a cut finger. Luckily, Jin had become more careful after those few incidents and no more injuries had ensued since. He could now be trusted to chop things without Mr Kim's supervision.

Soon enough, the sandwiches were done, filled with abundant amounts of  vegetables and meat. "Dad, can I become a chef now? I made these well, right?" Mr Kim chuckled, "You're a little too young to become a chef, Jin, but when you're older, definitely." The two then packed up the sandwiches, put them in a basket and called the others down.

"Guys, it's time to go!" The boys thundered down the steps the second they heard those long-awaited words. All except Jungkook, that is. He walked down slowly. Hobi saw him and hurried him, "Kookie, come on! Aren't you hungry too?" Jungkook walked faster, but he was still down. He wasn't hungry. He didn't want to eat. But how was he going to get out of eating in front of everyone else?

The family decided to walk to the park, enjoying each other's company along the way. Jin had learnt a few dad jokes and was telling them to the boys, who laughed more because of the cringiness than the actual humour. Jin didn't realise, though, too proud of eliciting laughter from his brothers that he didn't really think about the actual reason they were laughing in the first place. He just liked to see them happy.

Soon enough, they reached the park. It was mostly empty, with just a couple of other families taking a stroll around or playing at the playground in the center of the park. The boys found an empty table with benches that just about fit all of them. Mr Kim set the basket full of food in front of the boys' hungry eyes. "Help yourselves, boys!" Hands practically tore the lid of the basket off in excitement, but Jin stopped them before they could actually get to the food. "Shouldn't I get my food first, considering I'm the oldest, and I put so much effort into making the food?" Jin stared at his brothers, raising an eyebrow in a sassy manner. The others sighed, "Fine, hyung." He grinned in satisfaction as he put a couple of sandwiches onto his plate. "Yoongi, you next."

One by one, the boys got their servings and started chowing down the food. "Jin hyung, did you really make this? It's too good for you to have made it!" Namjoon said jokingly, earning a smack on his arm from the oldest. "Show some respect for your hyung!" Jin scolded, afterwords muttering under his breath, "Kids these days..." The rest laughed, although they stopped when Jin glared at them.

Jungkook picked at his food, taking tiny bites. He was hoping that if he ate his food bit by bit, he maybe wouldn't have the extreme urge to vomit later. Yoongi looked at him questionably, "Why are you eating like a sloth? I've never seen you eat so slow before." Jungkook nervously shrugged, "I'm not that hungry. Besides, if you eat too fast, you feel full earlier. Me eating slow just means I'll be able to eat more." Yoongi didn't pry any further, preferring to go back to his meal, and Jungkook quietly sighed in relief. But he didn't realise that Yoongi kept glancing at him when he wasn't looking. Yoongi could tell Jungkook was hiding something.

"Jin hyung, we need to talk," Yoongi said firmly when they got back home. Jin was confused, but agreed anyway. They found some privacy a little bit away from the rest. "Something's wrong with Jungkook. There's something stopping him from eating. He was acting so weird at the picnic today. He was eating so slowly, it was like he didn't want to eat." Jin nodded, "A while ago, he tried to refuse to eat ice cream with me. And after he did eat it, he came back home and puked it all up! He said he was sick, but maybe not if he's still refusing to eat normally." The two glanced at Jungkook worriedly. He seemed fine. He was playing with his brothers, laughing along with them. He was normal. What could be wrong with him? "We should watch him the next few days, see if he continues. And if he does, we tell the others. He won't tell us if he hasn't already. We'll need the others' help." The two oldest shook on their agreement before going back into the room to join the others.

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