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"First one to the table gets to go through the phone of the last one! Go!" Seven boys rushed down the stairs, each determined to be the first and get some dirt on one of their brothers. Mr Kim eyed them worriedly, "Be careful! Don't knock anything or anyone over!" Then he let a smile spread across his face as he watched his sons have fun together. Jungkook slapped his hand on the table, "I'm first!" The rest sped up and touched the table as quickly as possible. Not to anyone's surprise, Yoongi was the last. "Yoongi hyung, your phone please!" Jungkook requested while giggling. Yoongi grumbled as he got his phone out of his pocket and grudgingly passed it to the youngest. Jungkook immediately unlocked it, somehow having acquired Yoongi's password, and went straight to the gallery. He started laughing, and the boys repeatedly asked him what was funny, but he insisted that what he saw be kept a secret until he the day he used it for blackmail. 

It was a normal day in the Kim household. It had been a few months since each brother had started getting help with their struggles. Things had only gone up since then. 

Hobi was once again always smiling and making the others laugh their heads off with his antics. He had friends in his class he could hang out with everyday.

Namjoon was treated more like a normal student by his teachers, who had come to understand how much pressure he was going through and finally lightened his load. He now had time to stay on top of his work and also relax. 

Yoongi was still enjoying school more than ever, happy that he was finally learning what he loved without other subjects putting a damper on his mood in school. He had a consistent A in literature and was often praised by his teacher.

Jimin had dreams of being a professional dancer, and his alter ego had stopped appearing a month ago. He felt comfortable around everyone and was no longer afraid of what people thought of him. He was now truly and completely himself all the time, and he couldn't be happier. 

Tae was slowly but surely getting over his trauma. He had therapy once a week with a therapist he felt extremely comfortable with, allowing him to be open and honest and accelerating his progress.

Jungkook was still very into his exercise, but made sure that it was in moderation with the help of the others. He also made sure to enjoy all the food he ate, to make up for the time he rejected food.

Jin had started texting Dae Ho in the mornings again, but made sure that it didn't take up all his attention. He regularly made sure that he spent time with all his brothers and knew what was happening in all their lives. 

Things were as good as can be for the seven brothers. They had gone through some tough times, but together, they had made it out. And they knew that in the future, they'd always have each other to get through things. They'd be there for one another, forever and ever.

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