Chapter 22

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Jin - 13

Yoongi - 12

Namjoon - 11

Hoseok - 11

Jimin - 10

Taehyung - 10

Jungkook - 8

The boys woke up on the first day of the school year. Things were going to be different this year, and they were a little nervous, to say the least. Jin was starting middle school, which meant that he would be going to school away from the others. The elementary school didn't have any affiliation to a middle school, so Jin had to go to a completely new school. The younger ones couldn't help but be scared. Yes, they had gone to school without him before, but that had been when he was just sick and they knew he'd be back with them the next day. There was fear in Jin too, He's spent so long taking care of the rest in school and walking with them every day, it was the first time he was going to be alone. He hadn't thought about what he was going to do when he was finally forced to go his own way. He may be the oldest, but even he could feel vulnerable. He was ultimately still just a teen, after all. He looked in the mirror and took a shaky breath. He was now wearing his brand new uniform. He hated it because he looked different from the others. He didn't like this physical division between them, he was worried that it would lead to them growing apart. He had often heard stories from his classmates about how their older siblings refused to hang out with them because they had cooler friends in middle school. He silently vowed there and then never to neglect his brothers like that. He would make sure to continue caring for them the second he got home from school and saw them back at home, every single day. And he would use the weekends to make up for the time lost during the five days. Satisfied with this plan, Jin finally went downstairs.

Seven boys went out the front door to go to school. Six turned to the right to go to the elementary school, one lone brother turned the other way. It was a shame the middle school was in the opposite direction. Now Jin couldn't even walk with his brothers. He took a few steps down his new route before turning around to look at the others one last time. He found them all already looking at him, their faces filled with apprehension. He tried to force his lips into an encouraging smile, although he didn't know if it worked. Nonetheless, the others smiled back and started walking. Jin did the same, looking at the ground as he saw his feet take step by step without the company of six more pairs. All of a sudden, he felt arms wrap around him. He looked behind to see Jungkook with tears running down his face. "Don't go, hyung! I don't want you to go! Don't leave us!" Jungkook sobbed. Jin felt tears welling up in his own eyes, desperately wanting to comfort the youngest and say that he wouldn't go away, he would go with them. But he couldn't, and Jungkook had to understand. He gently held Jungkook's arms and spoke, "I have to go, Kookie, but I'll be back with you soon, okay? I'll be back home just one hour after you get back, so don't worry." Jungkook slowly nodded and wiped his eyes. He gave Jin one last hug before running off to join the rest who were sadly watching the exchange. Jin waved goodbye before setting off, on the way to what would be a drastic change in all their lives, even if they didn't know it yet. He didn't realise that sticking to a promise with such a different environment would be harder than he thought. Much, much harder.

Six boys walked in silence. It was the first time it had been so quiet, ever. They always had something to say, but today everyone seemed to be lost for words. The absence of the eldest had definitely taken a toll on them. They had been too used to having him around all the time, and not that he wasn't going to be, they didn't know what to do. Yoongi felt responsible to step up to the role, but he knew he couldn't fill Jin's shoes. Jin was warm and kind. He wasn't. He knew his brothers could tell he cared, but he sensed that they needed someone who could openly express it, so that they could feel more assured. Thus, he remained silent. Maybe, he mused, someone like Hobi would be good. He was as open as can be, and he seemed more positive now, even calling himself J-Hope outside dance class. Maybe his positivity would do everyone some good. But Hobi looked shaken as well, so Yoongi decided he would leave it for later.

Meanwhile, Hobi was contemplating. He wondered if he could take care of his brothers himself. He liked doing so, and if he was being honest, he still felt neglected both at home and at dance, taking the initiative to care for everyone in Jin's place might get him some recognition. He was scared, though. From his experience of being ignored at dance despite trying to be nice to his classmates, there was a small fear that his brothers would do the same. No, he told himself, they're my brothers, they wouldn't do that. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Not today, anyway. Maybe he'd be able to in a few days, after they got used to Jin not being there.

All the boys each had the same reason for missing Jin. Jin was their anchor, he gave them comfort and made them feel like everything was alright even if it wasn't, which they needed. Because none of them had been able to fight off the demons that had appeared a few years ago.

Yoongi's isolation.
Namjoon's high expectations imposed on him.
Hobi's loneliness.
Jimin's alter ego.
Tae's trauma.
Jungkook's eating disorder.

They were still struggling, and it had gotten worse as they got older. It was now so ingrained in them that they didn't know how to get rid of it, they had forgotten what it was like to live without these problems. But they didn't tell anyone, not even each other. They all wanted to be strong for each other, revealing their problems would make them less dependable. So they kept quiet, determined to deal with things on their own.

Soon they would realise just how much they needed each other.

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