Chapter 28

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Mr Kim knocked on the door before poking his head in. "Jimin, you there?" Seeing the boy nod his head, Mr Kim beckoned him to follow him, going to his office for privacy. "I'm sure you know Tae told me about what you've been going through," upon a confirming nod from Jimin he continued, "I've been doing some research on it, would you like to see?" Jimin went around the desk to have a look at his father's notes.

Dissociative Identity Disorder
Definition: Two or more distinct identities are present in and alternatively take control of an individual

Alters emerge due to certain circumstances or stressor.

People with DID may describe being observers of their own speech or actions.

"Does this sound like what you're experiencing?" Jimin slowly nodded. So his condition was an actual disorder. Did that mean other people had it too? He posed the question to his father, who replied, "Most likely, yes." Jimin couldn't help but feel relieved. Not that he was happy other people were going through the same thing as him, but he felt slightly less weird and strange. "And look," Mr Kim's said, "there's treatment available." Jimin looked back at the notes, at the end of the page.

Treatment: Long-term psychotherapy, Cognitive therapy, Creative therapy, etc.
Jimin felt hope blossom in his heart for the first time in a long time. "I was thinking perhaps we could start with creative therapy, it's the cheapest option. We could start you up with a hobby, maybe music or drawing. What do you think?" Mr Kim asked. Jimin smiled as he replied, "Anything to get me fixed."

Jimin pressed the keys of the piano, trying his best to produce the melody of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Unfortunately, all that came out was sounds that could damage anyone's ears. The teacher winced. "Maybe piano's just not for you, dear," she said, ushering Jimin out of the piano school.

A few weeks later, Jimin was starting to lose hope again. He had tried so many different art forms, from drawing to violin. He had failed at every single one. He was beginning to believe that maybe he would have to be stuck with his disorder forever. Until one day, Hobi made a suggestion. "Why not try dancing? You could join the program at school. You have muscles and you like dancing around at home. You could be great at it!" Jimin was tempted. He looked at the list of genres the school offered. While it would be fun to join Hobi's class, he wasn't sure if hip hop was the one for him. He kept looking until something caught his eye. Contemporary dance. He didn't know why, but he was drawn to it. "I want to sign up for this," he told his father, who had the phone ready to call the school to sign him up for whatever he wanted. After a few minutes on the phone, Jimin was officially a student in the contemporary dance class.

"Welcome Jimin, I hope you'll enjoy your first contemporary lesson. Try to follow along as much as you can, I'll go as slow as possible." Jimin already felt welcome thanks to the teacher's reassuring words. He stood in the second row, a good spot to see the teacher clearly but not attract too much attention, being new and all. The teacher started them off with tendus, a simple pointing of the foot of the floor. Jimin glided his foot across the floor, feeling the friction until just his toes were left touching the ground. It felt soothing in a way. By the end of the class, they were doing turns across the room. Jimin couldn't turn perfectly, he had only just learnt the concept of spotting a minute ago. But as he spun, he felt freedom.

It really does feel like therapy, he thought.

Mr Kim watched as Jimin strolled through the door, eyes sparkling and cheeks flushed with excitement. "You enjoyed it, then?" Jimin was practically jumping as he bounced on the balls of his feet. "It was amazing, can I stay there forever?" Mr Kim laughed at his question. "Guess we've found something for you to stick to then." Jimin rushed up to the bedroom where his brothers were, and starting gushing about his first dance class. "It was so cool, we did tendus and pirouette..." Soon after the rest could be heard teasing him for his use of the French terms, "Are you trying to be posh?"

Mr Kim listened to the banter with a smile on his face. Finally, by helping his son start to fix himself, he'd started to help the guilt of the past fade away. And he'd keep going, doing anything to help his children, until he knew he couldn't be a better father and the past had been made up for.

Sorry it's a little shorter than the last few chapters, I wanted it to be purely Jimin so I could focus more on their individual problems.

Hope you're enjoying so far! Remember that comments or messages are always welcome!

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