Chapter 15

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It had been a few months since the big move. The boys had grown accustomed to living in Jim's house, but they couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that they didn't truly belong here. They talked about once in a while, about how even though they were in constant danger with their father, that was home. They didn't know anything about how Mr Kim was doing, whenever they tried to bring it up with Mrs Kim, she would change the subject. She had been working herself to the bone, determined to make enough money to eventually buy a house for her and the boys so that they wouldn't have to continue imposing on Jim. And so she could avoid seeing him outside of work. The boys didn't know, but Jim had been making advances on her since they moved in. She had been lucky to escape every time so far, but she had a feeling he would escalate his actions sooner or later, and she wanted to leave before anything could happen. She was still married to Mr Kim, after all, and even though she had left him, she still loved him deep down. The children thought Jim was okay, but found him to be almost too friendly, like he was forcing it. He wasn't mean to them, at least, so they let it be.

Jim was not happy that the boys were staying in his house. He had liked their mother for a while now, but he couldn't make a move when the boys were always there. His crush was bordering on obsession, fuelled by his frustration that she was still married. He had tried to talk her into getting a divorce, saying that since she was living away from him there was no point in still being married. But she wouldn't budge. He also knew she had plans to move out once she found a house, so he had to act fast. Nothing was working, though. He believed it was all because of the seven kids, whom she loved so much she just had to bring them with her. But he had to pretend to like them so that she would stay, so he tried to be friendly as much as possible. If he could though, he would gladly get rid of them. 

The boys sat in their room, talking as they did every night. Once again, they spoke of the old house that they missed despite everything. Jimin spoke, "I've been thinking... this might be a little crazy..." he was obviously nervous. Everyone patiently waited as he slowly got the words out. "Maybe, we could... run away?" That shocked the rest. Jimin was the most obedient of the lot, so it was a surprise that he was suggesting something like this. "We could try and find our way back to the old house, we have our phones. If we find it, we can ask Dad if we can stay with him." The rest thought carefully. They didn't know what would happen if they got caught, and they couldn't be sure that their father would let them stay. Besides, what if he still had the same tendencies to drink and lash out at them? Their mother would not be there to protect them. But then, they remembered how much they loved that house, how even though Mr Kim was not in the best state, he was still their father and they loved him. They knew how to take care of themselves, they had been doing so since they started living with Jim. Slowly, Yoongi replied. "I mean, it's honestly not a bad idea..." "Yeah, Jin hyung knows how to cook, he can make meals for us if Dad can't! We don't have much we need to bring since we gave most of our stuff to Mum to sell." Tae said. Even though he still got the same nightmares about getting hit, he had forgiven his father long ago. Everyone warmed up to the idea. They knew they couldn't live here forever, and they didn't feel settled anyway. It was worth a try. They spent the night planning, eager to finally leave and go home.

A week later, it was time. They had spent the last few days recording exactly which time Jim and their mother went to bed, which time they woke up, as well as the details of their daily routines. They couldn't be more prepared. On the night of the escape, they left the dinner table early, giving the excuse that they had been given more homework than usual and needed to start earlier. The adults bought it, luckily. Once they were in their room, they quietly locked the door so no one could barge in and started packing their things. They were happy to find that the bags were considerably lighter, seems selling their things was good after all. Then, they waited.

It was eleven o'clock, the time that the adults usually went to bed. Jin motioned for the others to be quiet while he went out to check first. He creeped out into the hallway, peeking around the corner. He saw Jim and Mrs Kim walk into their respective rooms. He waited a few minutes, before silently running back to the others. He gave them the OK sign, the cue for them to exit the room and go to the front door one by one. Jin constantly checked the two closed doors. Soon, all seven of them were going out the front door. Without hesitation, they started running onto the path. They started the journey back home, not looking back.

A/N Do note that their personal problems are still going on, they will be focused on again soon.

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