Chapter 36

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"Guys, want to watch a movie? It's been ages since we've had a movie night!" Jin asked. The rest of the boys immediately agreed. They could tell that this was Jin's way of trying to reconnect with them and spend more time with them, and they were appreciative of his effort. They all decided to finish their homework before dinner and watch the movie after eating. Their dad unfortunately wasn't free, his work had been piling up and he wanted to get more of it done that night. So the boys were left alone to enjoy a show together. The boys were all more productive than ever, getting through all their homework with no complaint, knowing that they'd be rewarded with a relaxing evening. 

Dinner had finished, and the boys were gathered in front of the television. They were trying to decide what movie to watch as Mr Kim made popcorn for them before going to his office. "Let's watch an action movie, like Iron Man!" Jungkook suggested. But everyone protested, "You always want to watch action movies, we should watch something else for once!" The youngest grumbled but couldn't argue. He knew it was true. More discussion ensued, until someone shouted above the noise, "What about a horror movie?" Everyone stopped talking and pondered. "That sounds good, actually," Jin said. The rest nodded in agreement, although Hobi requested for something "not too scary". Soon a horror movie was picked that was not so scary that he would be terrified out of his wits, but scary enough that it would be thrilling for everyone. The boys dimmed the lights and sat in various chairs or on the floor. The movie started.

The movie had been going on for about half an hour, the boys had their eyes glued to the screen as they looked for any signs of potential jump scares. The amount of horror scenes had started off slow, but they were beginning to increase. Just a few minutes later, another intense scene was being shown. The characters were hit in the head by a mysterious figure, who continued to hit them over and over again. The boys screamed with the characters, although they were laughing instead a second later, making fun of themselves. Except for one.

Tae breathed heavily as he watched the figure on screen raise his arm again. He screamed again. His brothers looked at him as he covered his eyes and panted. "Oh sh-" Yoongi almost swore as he realised what was happening. "It's his trauma, the movie reminded him of what happened, stop the movie!" The movie was quickly switched off, as Yoongi wrapped his arms around Tae. "Shh, it's okay Tae, you're safe." Tae clutched onto Yoongi's shirt as he tried to stop the tears from coming. He listened to Yoongi's voice comfort him, and soon the others' voices joined. They soon overpowered the evil voices in his head, and he felt better. He stopped shuddering and sat up from his curled-up position. "I'm okay now," he whispered. Yoongi kept him in his arms still, "Sorry Tae, we should have thought about your trauma. We wouldn't have watched this movie then." Tae shook his head, "I didn't think I would be affected. Guess I haven't recovered as much as I thought." Jin came to sit on Tae's other side. " should get some help. Go to therapy or something. You never did before, but it might be what you need to fully recover." Tae thought about it. He had considered therapy before, but he didn't want to have his dad drive him to and from a therapist every week when he was busy. He also didn't want his dad to feel guilty about what had happened. But he knew deep down, he needed this if he wanted to truly get better. "I'll talk to Dad," he said hoarsely.

"Dad?" Tae peeked his head into Mr Kim's office. Mr Kim looked up from his work, "Come in Tae, what is it?" Tae slowly walked to sit opposite his father. He took a deep breath. "I want to go to therapy." Mr Kim walked around the desk and held Tae's hand. "Why, what's wrong?" "I... I still get affected by my trauma. It happened just now during the movie. I thought I was okay because I forgave you and put it behind me, but my mind hasn't forgotten yet, it seems." Mr Kim felt horrible. To this day, he couldn't fathom what had possessed him to do such a thing to his own son, even if he had been drunk. "I'm so sorry Tae, I put you in this position. I'm the reason you're going through this, I'm sorry." Tae hugged him straight away. "No, don't feel guilty, Dad. I forgave you so long ago, you shouldn't keep feeling like this." Mr Kim smiled through his tears. "Therapy's the best option for me, Dad. My heart may have forgotten, but my head still needs help." Mr Kim nodded and walked back to his computer. "Well then, we should start looking for a good therapist." 

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