Chapter 12

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The seven boys decided that it was time to try and bring some light back into their home. They had lived in darkness and fear for weeks, and they were desperate for some happiness. So, over the weekend, they decided to camp out in their bedroom. They locked the door, shutting all the horrible events of the past few weeks out. They played game after game, finally feeling light-hearted after what felt like forever. They needed their time together, to just relax and forget about everything that was going on. And they did have fun, indeed. Pillow forts, snacks, and lots of games. They were having the time of their life.

But, of course, good things always have to come to an end.

"Guys, let's play truth or dare!" Tae said, grinning at his brothers. They could not reject one of their favourite games, so within a minute, they were sitting in a circle with a water bottle in the middle. Tae was allowed to spin the bottle because he was the one who suggested the game, which let the game start much quicker than usual, when the boys played multiple rounds of rock, paper, scissors. He spun the bottle with force, landing on Hobi.

An hour later, they were still going. It had been an entertaining hour, full of silly dares and random questions. The seven children were having a blast, they didn't want the game to end. Until the next round, that is. The bottle was spun by Yoongi, the cap eventually facing Jungkook. Jungkook immediately chose truth, feeling too lazy to get up and do a dare. He regretted it a second later. 

"Here's my question, why haven't you been eating as much the past few days?" Yoongi was done with beating around the bush. Jungkook was taken aback as he stuttered, "I h-haven't been as hungry lately, that's a-all." But Yoongi was not buying it. Not anymore. "That sure as hell is not all, and you know that. I've been worried sick about you, you've never been like this before, and your appetite definitely does not just go away like you claim it has!"He got louder with each word, determined to get answers. He didn't realise how much he would hate the answer Jungkook gave.

"I just don't want to be chubby anymore!" Jungkook sobbed. His six hyungs looked at each other in confusion. "What do you mean? You're not chubby," Jimin questioned. Then, it hit Yoongi. "It's because Dad said he was fat," he muttered. Realisation dawned on the rest. "But it's true," Jungkook whimpered, "I eat too much, now my cheeks are too squishy, and my arms and legs aren't skinny!" Yoongi had had enough. He took Jungkook's hand and took him to the bathroom, where they could have privacy. "Kookie, look at yourself. Do you really think you're fat? You're far from it. Don't listen to what Dad says, he's drunk all the time, what he says is always nonsense. You can't believe him. Besides, the rest of us all think you're fine just the way you are, so majority wins. So stop thinking you need to be skinner and keep eating as much as you want, even you start eating three servings. Okay?" Jungkook was silent for a few moments. Finally, he nodded. "Okay, hyung, I'm sorry," he whispered. Yoongi, satisfied, went back to the bedroom. Jungkook, however, remained staring at himself in the mirror. "I'm sorry, Yoongi hyung, but I can't stop. Not yet, I still look chubby." He would just have to be more subtle about it in the future. 

Jungkook stared at his plate the next day. He had gotten the big portion he used to get, and Yoongi was staring at him with a warning glare. He slowly lifted his fork, and started eating. He managed to finish all the food, to the delight of his brothers. But they didn't know that with every swallow, he felt sick to his stomach, and his mind was yelling at him to stop eating before he got even more fat. To them, he had recovered. Only Jungkook knew the truth, and now he had no choice but to hide it, because he had lied to Yoongi, who would be furious if he found out. So he pretended to be fine, plastering a smile on his face as his brothers praised him and told them how relieved they were that he was back to normal. 

That night, while the six older ones were sleeping, Jungkook tossed and turned in his bed. His stomach was churning, uncomfortable to the point where Jungkook wouldn't dare close his eyes, in the fear that the loss of sight would only make the pain more obvious. So he lay wide awake, trying to take deep breaths to calm his stomach. But nothing he did was able to soothe it. He couldn't take it anymore. He ran to the bathroom, knelt in front of the toilet, and heaved until his stomach was emptied. He shuddered as he quickly flushed the toilet, and went back to his bed. He fell asleep straight away, the feeling of discomfort completely gone. He felt way better. 

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