Chapter 7

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Hobi was lonely. It had been a week since Mr Kim started getting into his drunk rages. Hobi saw how the others all had someone to find solace in, and how he was left alone. All seven boys needed all the comfort they could get, yet Hobi was all alone with no one to hug him or wipe his tears. So he sat alone on his bed, trying desperately to ignore the slowly growing feeling of loneliness.

Jin looked over at Hobi as he snuggled with Tae. A part of him felt like he should include Hobi, but Hobi had always been so positive, always managing to find the good in things so that he could deal with them. So Jin concluded that Hobi would be fine on his own.

Hobi sat alone at lunch, letting his feet swing. He honestly didn't like the solitude, but he didn't have the courage to ask his classmates if he could sit with them. So he nibbled his food bit by bit, trying to fill up the hour. "Hey Hobi, I'm going to check on Jimin and Tae, see you in class," Namjoon said as he walked past, giving Hobi a pat on the back. The two pairs of twins had the same lunch time. Namjoon always went to see the younger pair, especially since Jin pestered him to. If he didn't, he ate with his classmates anyway. So no matter what, Hobi was alone.

Hobi left the classroom and walked along the hallway, feeling like a lost soul in the sea of people. His smiles were empty and fake, nothing like the bright sunny ones he used to have. He let his gaze wander across the crowded hall, before it landed on the noticeboard.

"Hip Hop classes for interested students, free of charge!" Hobi perked up. He'd always been intruiged by hip hop since he saw a video online. In fact, he'd been thinking of asking to join a class. But then his father had lost his job, so he figured he'd better not. These classes were free though, so maybe he'd have a chance. Besides, he could make friends there, and he sure needed those.

Hobi wiggled in his seat in excitement. It was the day of his first dance class. Mrs Kim had allowed him to join, thankfully. With Mr Kim's outbursts getting worse day by day, Hobi really needed to get out of the house. But what he really hoped for was that people would like him. He didn't care if he was the worst dancer, he just wanted friends to keep him company.

He was the best in the class. He was the first to pick up the moves, the first to do the whole routine with no mistakes. The teacher had even jokingly given him a stage name. "I'll call you J-Hope," she said, "because you look so happy and hopeful when you dance." Hopeful. He didn't think he could've felt that with everything that was going on. He let a smile creep onto his face. A real one. He had found his calling.

But there was still one problem.

"Hey, you did really well today!" Hobi tried to start a conversation with his fellow dance mates. The only response he got was glares from everyone. He was so confused. Why were they glaring at him? Did he do something wrong without realising? Why didn't they like him? One by one, the rest left, leaving Hobi alone in the studio. His head drooped down and tears started to form in his eyes. His mouth trembled as he started to mutter "Why... why..." he was even more lost than before. He didn't know what to do. He didn't even know what was wrong.

You can't fix a problem if you don't know what it is.

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