Chapter 6

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Mr Kim punched his desk in anger. His business had gone to ruin. He had lost his company. No job, no way of earning money for the large family he had. He was stuck, lost with nowhere to go. He didn't know what to do. He felt like a ship aimlessly sailing around the middle of a never-ending ocean, with no final destination and no clue why he had started sailing in the first place.

That night, the seven boys were all having fun in their own ways. Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were having a dance-off, Namjoon and Yoongi were writing while watching the younger four, and Jin was watching a cooking show. They were in their own world of bliss.

Until something unexpected shattered it.

Mr Kim crashed through the door, his steps unsteady. His footsteps were heavy, his figure slouched, hunched over. In his hand was a bottle. It was half-empty, and it was obvious that it wasn't his first of the night. The boys stared at their father in shock. Never had they ever seen him in such a state. To them, he had always been so well put together, a man who always had things under control. To see him like this shook them tremendously. Jin cautiously stood up, "Dad?" Mr Kim looked up at him, revealing his sunken eyes that held anguish and torment. "What do you want, kid?" Jin actually trembled, "A-are you okay?" It seemed these words were enough to set Mr Kim off. "Am I okay? AM I OKAY?" The bottle was sent flying to the wall, smashing into little shards of glass all over the floor. The seven children watched in horror, flinching at the sound of the loud crash that rang throughout the house. If only their mother hadn't been stuck at work. Now they were alone with their drunk father with no idea how to deal with it. Meanwhile, Mr Kim continued shouting in rage, "I GIVE ALL MY TIME AND EFFORT TO THIS COMPANY AND THEY KICK ME OUT!" As his rampage continued, with no more bottle, he took his anger out on the furniture. The couch went sliding to the other end of the room before toppling over. The coffee table was pushed over, all its contents laying on the floor. The boys could only stand and watch, too shocked to move. Luckily, they had moved to stand against the wall before Mr Kim had started his assault on the furniture, otherwise they would have been hit. They just stood there in fear, hoping that the scene playing out before them would end soon.

A while later, Mr Kim had finally had enough. The whole living room was in shambles, it looked as though it had been raided. He stumbled up the stairs, barely making it to the bedroom. He went in and slammed the door shut, making the seven shaken boys jump. They stood in silence, until a few minutes later, Jin finally found the courage to speak. "Come, on, let's clean this up before Mum gets home." The rest made no reply other than following Jin's instructions. They carefully picked up any glass they found, threw the shards into the bin and shifted the furniture back to its original position. No one would have guessed what had just happened. But the memory was ingrained in the boys' minds, whether they liked it or not. And they hated it.

As they got into bed, Jungkook whispered, "Hyungs, I'm scared. What happened to Dad? I don't like him like this." Yoongi got out of his own bed to lie next to Jungkook. "None of us do, Kookie, let's just hope this is the only time this happens." They knew that was all they could do. Who knew what Mr Kim would be like the next day? Would he get drunk again? They couldn't foresee what would happen, it was the first time something like this had occurred. They didn't know what the future would entail, they could only find comfort in each other. And so, they wrapped themselves tightly in their blankets, praying that they wouldn't get nightmares of that night.

The next morning, as they woke up, Mrs Kim walked in, her face full of stress and anxiety. "Don't go out just yet, I'll let you know when you can. Your father's in a bad mood. I need to try and calm him down first." With that, she left. A few minutes later, yells were heard from the living room.

That's when the children started to realise, last night's events were just the beginning.

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