Chapter 5

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It was a bright Saturday morning, all the boys were seated around the dining table with their parents eating breakfast.

"Taehyung, have more food, you're too skinny." Jin piled more food onto Taehyung's plate, from his own plate. "Hyung, what about you? You don't have much left," Tae asked. "I'm fine," Jin replied, though he wasn't sure who he was kidding, he was starving. He would not be surprised if the others could hear his stomach grumbling. But he had gotten used to ignoring it by now, so he stubbornly resisted the urge to get more food. His brothers needed the food more, he would let them have it. Unknown to Jin, however, Hoseok was watching him with concern. 

Yoongi collapsed on his bed and stared at his homework. He had no intention to write anything on it, of course, but he didn't want to just toss it away. He knew homework had a purpose, and it was helpful in a way. But he still didn't see the point of actually doing it. Jungkook walked into the room, "Hyung, what are you doing just staring at your homework? If you're not going to do it, come play with me!" Yoongi smiled fondly. In his head, of course, he'd be caught dead if he let Jungkook see him smile at something he said. "Fine, what do you want to play? But make it quick, I don't have that much time. I have things to do." He pretended to grudgingly relent, all the while secretly looking forward to spending time with his little brother. 

"Yoongi hyung, why don't you do your homework, or listen in class? I heard Mum and Dad talking about it." Yoongi sighed. As much as he loved Jungkook, he was way too curious for his own good sometimes. "Well, think about it. They make us learn stuff like calculus and the circulatory system, but when are we ever going to use that knowledge in the future? You think jobs are going to ask us to recite things from our old school textbooks? They're not going to do that. So, there's no use in learning what the school is teaching us. I'd listen if the topics were actually relevant," Yoongi tried to explain, but he knew Jungkook was too young and innocent to understand. Jungkook was still at the age where he believed that everything the adults said was right, and what they said was like the law. "Just forget it," he said, "You'll get it when you're older." And so, one more person was added to the long list of people who didn't understand Yoongi. Yoongi could only hope that Jungkook could be taken off the list sooner or later. Because he needed just one person on his side, just one, to make himself feel better about his opinions. Right now, he wasn't feeling so confident in himself anymore.

Namjoon was stuck. He was actually stuck on a question. He was pretty sure the teacher had snuck in an extra question on his worksheet that was way more advanced, trying to push him past his limit. But it seemed like the teacher hadn't thought he had a limit. The question looked like it could be answered only by God himself. It was simply impossible. Well, he thought, the teacher shouldn't have overestimated me, she's only set herself up for disappointment. He knew the teacher would look down on him for not meeting her expectations, but honestly, it wasn't his fault. Sometimes, people just didn't know when to stop. He sighed, he needed some relief. Almost as if he had heard Namjoon's call, Jimin entered through the door. "Hyung, do you have time? I want to hear another thing you wrote," he shyly requested. Jimin rarely went up to Namjoon to ask him to read, he normally waited for their bedtime routine. But he just felt like listening to the comforting sound of Namjoon's voice, talking about the world around them. Namjoon grinned at Jimin, "Sure, Jiminie. I don't have anything new written, but I can probably think of something on the spot." With that, the two sat on Namjoon's bed, snuggling under the blanket as Namjoon started talking.

I've been noticing as of late, that the more you chase after something, the further away you are from it. I wonder why. Perhaps it's a sign that in order to be happy, we just have to go with the flow, and eventually, we will get what we truly desire. And what we want, may not be what others want, which is why you can't force it. Because then, others will try to influence you again and again, until you cave in. So maybe, it's best to wait. Maybe, you'll get a feeling when it's the right time, like a gut instinct.

But I don't want to wait anymore, Namjoon thought. If there's a gut feeling that's supposed to come, I want it to come now.

A/N: I am not philosophical in the least, so if what I wrote for Namjoon sounds weird, please forgive me.

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