Chapter 33

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Jin walked through the front door to find the others lounging around in the living room. His timetable ended considerably later than theirs, so he got back much later. "Hey, why did you leave without saying goodbye this morning?" He pouted. Yoongi scoffed, "We did, you were just too busy texting your friend to notice." Jin flushed, "Sorry," he muttered. Yoongi closed his eyes, ready to go back to his nap. "Actions speak louder than words."

Yoongi was at his desk writing an essay for literature. He looked up as Jungkook exited the bathroom clad in workout gear. "Going out to exercise?" Jungkook nodded. Yoongi eyed him, "Don't work too hard." Jungkook gave him another nod before walking out. He gulped as he left the house. Yoongi was too perceptive sometimes. Meanwhile, Yoongi was continuing his essay. As he wrote about Victor Frankenstein abandoning his creature, he could not help but be reminded slightly of Jin. Jin was abandoning them too, he thought bitterly. His friend was becoming more important to him than his own brothers. Jin no longer cared that much about them. Yoongi sighed. He was worried that one day, Jin would leave them completely. But, he knew if it ever came to it, he would make sure he stepped up and did a better job at taking care of everyone than Jin. 

Jungkook was greeted with a fist bump from the gym receptionist. "Hey Jungkook! Doing your usual routine again today?" Jungkook nodded with a grin. He enjoyed the friendly welcomes he received from being a regular. Another fist bump, and he was on his way to the treadmill. 

An hour later, Jungkook was dripping head to toe with sweat, having upped his workout to push himself a little further. He breather heavily as he went to the showers. Soon, he was leaving the gym in fresh clothes and walking back home. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice that his feet were dragging more than usual, and his vision was getting a little blurry. The last thing he saw was his house before he finally collapsed in a heap on the pavement.

Jungkook opened his eyes to see his family sitting in chairs around him. He groaned softly and was immediately met with the voices of his brothers. "Kookie, are you okay?" His father ooened the door and called for the nurse. She walked in and forced the boys, who were carefully smothering Jungkook with hugs, to make space. "Hello Jungkook, good to see you're awake. I just need to do a few checks to see if we can let you go home. You've overworked your body, it seems," she said as she prepared multiple pieces of medical equipment. Jungkook remained silent as she started checking his heartbeat, seeing his brothers' pointed stares. He would definitely be hearing from them about how he should be exercising in moderation.

Jin quietly went out into the hallway and whipped out his phone. "Jungkook's okay", he typed, quickly sending the message. "What are you doing?" he jumped as he heard Yoongi's voice behind him. He turned. Yoongi had been looked so visibly angry. "What do you mean?" he asked. Yoongi took another step forward. "Why are you telling Dae Ho about Jungkook? I saw your messages, you've been sending him updates about everything." Jin started to feel offended, "Why can't I? He's a friend," Yoongi glared, "Exactly, he's a friend, not a family member. He doesn't need to know every single thing that happens with us. Do you even realise how he's stealing you away from us? Maybe, instead of giving all of your attention to your friend, you should focus on taking care of us for once. Be a big brother again." Yoongi's voice was soft, but there was no mistaking the hostility. He turned and walked back into the room before Jin could reply. "Dae Ho's not stealing me away," Jin thought, "I love my family all the same." 

Jungkook sheepishly grinned as his brothers fake glared at him. "How could you do this to yourself, Kookie? Why did you overwork yourself? You always talk about how you know your body, how you won't overwork it because you know when to stop. Now look what's happened! Do we need to track your exercise for you?" Tae rambled out of his worry for his younger brother. "I'm fine, hyung, don't worry," Jungkook stopped him from continuing his rant. Tae sighed, but let it go for now. "Why did you feel the need to push yourself so much though?" Jimin asked. "It was just to help myself get fitter, that's all," Jungkook shrugged it off, hoping they would leave it be. But Jimin wasn't having it, "You're already so fit, Kookie, I don't see why you have to be even more fit. You're already the most fit out of all of us, and in your class!" Jungkook snapped, "It's none of your business! Just because I'm already the fittest doesn't mean I shouldn't still improve!" Jimin's eyes widened, before he excused himself to get a snack. Jungkook started to feel guilt. He was worried that his real motive would get out if he didn't convince them to believe his excuse, but he had gotten too anxious. Now he had made his brother upset. The others looked disapprovingly at him. "Well, it looks like you need some time alone. We'll go out for a while," Namjoon said. With that, Jungkook was left alone. 

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