Chapter 2

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Jin walked into the classroom, took a seat at his desk and unpacked the things he needed for class. Around him, his classmates cheerfully talked among themselves. Jin had never joined in. He was simply too busy fretting over what his brothers were doing. Were they eating well during their break, were they listening in class, the list was endless. Jin always found something to worry about when it came to his brothers. He just wanted the best for them, no matter what. And so, he sat alone, wondering how his brothers were doing. "Don't bother with him, he's only going to go on and on about his brothers," a classmate said as another started to go up to him.

When break came, Jin sat at a table in the canteen. He watched the other kids eat delicious-looking meals, with nothing of his own. Everyday, just before he and his brothers left for school, he would sneak into the kitchen and split his own lunch among the other six. He needed to know that the others were eating enough. He didn't mind not having anything to eat, as long as the rest did. If they were healthy, he was happy. Nevermind if he had one less meal, a little less sleep, an hour less to do his homework. If it was for them, it was worth it. Just then, he heard his stomach growl. I'm not hungry, I don't need to eat, they need it more than me, he thought defiantly.

He waited for the rest of the boys outside the elementary school. Since the elementary school was in the middle of the three schools, the boys always met there. One by one, the younger boys joined him. Jungkook was the last, bounding over to the group. "Hyungs, let's go!" And with that, they set off for home. They reached the house to be greeted by their parents with hugs and questions about their day. "Jin, how was your day? Did you enjoy the lunch I made?" Mr Kim asked. Jin swallowed the guilt as he replied, "It was delicious, Dad." Seeing his father beam in delight at his lie made the knot in his stomach tighten. For my brothers, he reminded himself.

"Hyung, I'm stuck on this question, can you help me?" Jimin asked from across the room. Jin got up straight away, ready to help his brother with whatever he needed. He always made sure to help his brothers with their work when they asked. He wanted them to do as well in school as possible so that he could have a peace of mind that they would have a good future. Throughout the day, he went around guiding the younger ones, assisting them in completing all their homework. By the time they were all done, it was time for dinner.

After the meal, it was time for bed. Jin made sure everyone had showered and brushed their teeth before tucking them into bed one by one. But he himself could not go to bed yet. He still had to start his homework. He peeked out to make sure their parents weren't there, then went to his bed, turned on the small nightlight beside his bed, and got to work. He only got to sleep at midnight, a few hours past his bedtime. For my brothers, he told himself, as he drifted off to sleep.

The next day, he woke up at the same time as the rest, with insufficient sleep, but still determined not to let the others notice. He was used to hiding his tiredness anyway, he'd been doing it a long time. He shuffled towards the kitchen, ready for another attempt at making breakfast. And so, the routine began again.

"Jin, are you alright? You look so tired," his teacher asked, with concern on her face. Jin nodded, trying hard to convince her that he was not about to fall asleep. Perhaps, he was trying to convince himself as well. He needed to remind himself not to let the sleepiness get to him, so that he could continue to watch over his brothers. They needed him, and being tired all day would not help him look after them.

Oh, the irony.

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