Chapter 14

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Yoongi sat on his bed writing lyrics. Namjoon and Jin were attempting to learn how to dance from Hobi, but they were failing miserably. Jungkook watched Yoongi with curious eyes. Tae and Jimin were sharing a pair of earphones, listening to music. It was a fairly normal day, relatively peaceful. Their father was still sleeping off his hangover, their mother was cooking lunch. The boys were grateful for the one afternoon that they could relax for, they hadn't had a single one after having to watch out for their father. But this didn't last when Mr Kim finally woke up in the late afternoon. 

At first, the kids suspected nothing. They assumed Mr Kim would go downstairs, have a few more drinks, and go back to bed drunk. This was usually the case. But not today. 

All of a sudden, they heard shouts coming from the kitchen. They were startled. They could hear their father's voice, full of anger as he shouted words at Mrs Kim that they were too far away to hear. Then their mother's voice wafted into their room as well, sounding desperate. Jin stood up, telling the rest to stay still. He tip-toed to the door and slowly opened it. He took a few steps forward and peeked down over the banister. "...why are you doing this?...why can't you stop?" All he could hear were phrases here and there, but he got the gist of what they were arguing about. He creeped back into the room and settled down on the floor with the other boys. "It's alright," he said, "we'll just wait here and see what happens." They all winced as they heard loud smashes and yells. 

It had been about ten minutes when the shouting abruptly stopped. The boys held their breath, waiting to see what would happen with trepidation and fear. The bedroom door swung open. They sighed in relief when they saw it was Mrs Kim. But their relief did not last long. "Pack your bags, we're leaving." Mrs Kim said, as calmly as she could. She had decided that it was not good or safe for them to continue living with Mr Kim. She had called her co-worker, who thankfully had enough space in their house to accommodate everyone. She had had enough of living in fear and being wary all the time in the house that was supposed to be full of love and comfort. She hurried the boys as they got over their shock and started to put their things in whatever bags they could find. Soon, they were ready. They walked out the door, Mr Kim shouting profanities from behind them. They left the life they had always known and started anew.

The boys all held hands as they walked behind their mother. Jungkook was crying silently, unable to hold his emotions in like the rest of them were. Yoongi gave him a hand squeeze, trying to tell him that it would all be okay. None of them could know that for sure, though. They were away from their father and out of harm's way, sure, but they were going into unknown territory with no plan whatsoever. At least at home they knew they could just wait things out. Now, they were going to be staying with a stranger they knew nothing about. They weren't sure how much their mother knew about her co-worker either, she always said she hardly talked to the people she worked with because she was so busy during her shifts. But they had no choice but to trust her, she was the only one they could depend on at the moment. 

After travelling for over an hour, they finally arrived at the house. The door opened to reveal a smiling man, who introduced himself as Jim and told them how happy he was to have them over. The boys smiled timidly, still unsure about him despite the enthusiastic friendliness he showed. He was almost too enthusiastic, it seemed. They walked through the door to be greeted by rooms that only had the necessities. Other than that, there was nothing much. It was all plain wallpaper and wooden floors. It was far from welcoming, unlike the old house which was nicely decorated. But the children did their best to get used to it, knowing that they could be spending a very long time in this house. It was time to try calling it home. Yet, try as they might, they couldn't. It was just a place they were staying in. 

A/N I don't know how to come up with Korean names, so just pretend Jim is a Korean who was weirdly given an English name or a Korean-American.

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