Chapter 21

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Jungkook opened his eyes after a sleep he was waiting to be over. It was his birthday, finally. He lay in bed, basking in the happiness of being a year older. He looked around the room, noticing that everyone else was gone. He wondered what they were doing. All of a sudden, the door burst open and six boys came barrelling through it. Tae jumped onto the bed and shook Jungkook's shoulder, "Kookie, are you awake? It's time to get up, come on!" Jungkook let his brothers grab his arms and pull him up. Someone covered his eyes once he was standing, revealing himself to be Jin as he spoke, "Let's go downstairs, we won't let you fall." Jungkook was led down to the dining room, two unknown brothers gripping his arms and carefully guiding him step by step. Jungkook tried to go as fast as possible in his excitement, ready to see what everyone had prepared. Soon enough, everyone stopped walking. He heard giggling and whispers before someone counted down. At the count of one, his eyes were uncovered and he heard a synchronised shout of "Happy birthday!" He saw his six hyungs and his father with beaming faces, then his eyes were drawn to the cake on the table. It was a mouth-watering white cake with whipped cream and candles decorating the top. Jungkook stared and stared, earning fond laughs from the rest. His father ushered him to the table so he was standing right in front of the cake. Everyone loudly belted out a quick birthday song before telling him to make a wish and blow out the candles. I wish we could be this happy forever, Jungkook thought.

Yet, as he blew out the candles and the lights went out, he knew deep down that his wish couldn't come true. Happiness couldn't last forever.

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