Chapter 32

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Jin - 18
Yoongi - 17
Hobi - 16
Namjoon - 16
Jimin - 15
Taehyung - 15
Jungkook - 13

There was silence in the room except for the occasional snore. The boys were sleeping peacefully... until one got up.

"Rise and shine, everyone! Good morning!" Everyone woke up groaning as the curtains were thrown open to reveal bright sunlight. "Could you be any louder, Tae?" Yoongi grumbled. Tae grinned, "Come on, we should start the day happy!" Yoongi continued muttering, "I'm not sure getting woken up by someone screaming and getting blinded by the sun is happy."

The boys trudged down the stairs to see their father already laying breakfast out on the table. "Morning, kiddos!" "We're not kiddos anymore, dad!" Jungkook exclaimed. "You'll always be kids to me," Mr Kim smiled as he tried to give each son a kiss on the head. Of course, they all dodged it.

Breakfast was uneventful, just seven boys and their dad enjoying good food and chatting. Except for Hobi. "Hobi, how is school so far?" Mr Kim asked. "Good," Hobi muttered. He had been giving one-word answers for years. But the rest didn't know what had made him go from being cheerful to depressed. He was practically a second Yoongi. All they knew was that something happened five years ago, but they were not anywhere close to finding out what it was. Now they were stuck with a Hobi who hardly talked. They'd never be used to it. 

"Have a fun day at school, work hard!" Mr Kim said brightly as the boys started to leave for school. "Too bright," Yoongi started mumbling again. The boys were once again walking all together this year, with Jungkook finally joining the rest in middle school. Yoongi and Jin had made it to high school. Yoongi had been extremely happy to be doing subjects he had chosen. He was finally free to study humanities and humanities only. He was motivated everyday to do his work, and even did his own extra research just out of interest. Jin was studying science. Whether he was happy, no one actually knew. He spent all his time with Dae Ho, who had gotten the same subjects as him. Even now, he was walking on his own behind his brothers, texting Dae Ho to tell him he was on the way to school. 

Hobi and Namjoon hadn't changed much. Hobi was still dancing, and that seemed to be the only time he looked happy like he used to. If one looked closely, they would notice that he always glared a little whenever he saw Iki-Ryo in the hallway. The two of them were the only ones who knew what happened, however, so Hobi was keeping his anger inside. Namjoon had managed to get his grades back up to near perfection. After he had begged multiple times and gotten a few scores that were not up to his standard, his classmates had finally relented and helped him. They couldn't refuse. Maybe Namjoon was competition, but he was nice. They didn't have a valid reason to not help him. The teachers still watched his marks like hawks, though, finding ways to make him feel like just one mark lost was the end of the world. He was still trapped.

Jimin and Taehyung were close as ever. Jimin had become the star of his contemporary dance class. He certainly felt particularly free when he danced. He had been sent for several competitions and had won a good few. He was popular, and everyone wanted to be friends with him. But he preferred to stay with Tae, because his twin was all he needed to fulfil his daily human interaction. Tae had tried to get Jimin to expand his circle of friends. "You should get friends who aren't part of the family," he had said, "sooner or later you'll get sick of seeing us every single day and you won't have anyone else." Jimin had laughed it off, "That will never happen. I'll always want to see you." J still appeared once in a while, but the therapy he got from dancing had made him disappear for the most part. Tae was happy hanging out with Jimin every day and having the same classes. But sometimes, he wanted to experience being friends with someone who wasn't also his brother. He had said hello to a few people, but he never got to ask to sit with them at lunch. Jimin liked it to just be the two of them.

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