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"I think we should do a up do hairstyle" Todoroki said, letting his hands roaming through the girl's hair.

"I think a Ginger color would suit you better, do you have time to dye your hair, miss?"

The girl smiled up to him, relaxing over the armchair.

"Mr. Todoroki..." She started, hands over her knees.

"Call me Shoto, no need to be so formal" he said winking.

"Call me Mary then" she said with a  cheerful smile plastered over her lips.

"I think your idea is perfect, I have all the time of this world. This hair salon is perfect to relax..." She answered sighing.

It was Todoroki's turn to smile, he worked hard all his life to open his hair salon.

"Well then, we will start" he said removing an hair clip from his white button down shirt. It was a sort of uniform: white button down shirt with at least one pocket to place the hair clips and black pants. He added a bow tie to his outfit, his left earring shining as he moved.

He owned this place, he still remembered the first day he opened it: almost no customers if not for his friends. He was the only one working there... But look at it now: the place was still rather small but two other man worked there, and a girl as a receptionist. The design was minimal, but it gave off a comfy vibe.
His costumes always left with a smile, it made him happy.

Todoroki looked around his place, savoring ins the moment: four armchair were positioned in front of four mirrors, every designed position had all it was needed: from hair clips to hair color, flat and curly iron and an hair dryer.
He still didn't believe how he could make this all alone, he still had some debts to pay but with how things were going it should not be a problem.

" Kaminari, come here please" Todoroki instructed him.
The man was peculiar to say the least: bright yellow hair, with a lightening bolt hair clip. His smile was what everyone admired most, bright as his hair.
He hired him two years ago: he was still learning but Todoroki found out he was a fast learner, he immediately offered him a job. Now he could not work without him.

"Yes, what can I do?" Kaminari said approaching and looking over the costumer.

"I want to do a up do hairstyle, dye her hair, ginger. The number is 46, start from the roots down the length. Then dry her hair and call me, I will do the hair style" Todoroki was known to be almost maniacal with his technique, that was what people loved about him.

"Yes sir. Miss, follow me! I'm going to wash your hair and massage your scalp." Mary nodded.

But work was not finished to say the least; Ochako, his receptionist, called him with a puzzled face.

"Ochako, something is wrong?" He asked leaning on the counter and removing his bow tie. It was always hot inside the salon.

"Well... a man called. He wanted to talk to you but he didn't gave me any piece of information, he only said that he was your boyfriend? I don't know how to react, I think this might be a prank call... You obviously are not g..."

Todoroki sighed, stopping Ochako from mumbling too much.
"He is, lend me the call" he wasn't too happy to deal with him, they had some adventures in the past, maybe a few nights together. But calling him in his workplace... he didn't want to let his costumers, mostly girls, know he was gay. He could lose them.

He took the phone from Ochako's hand and signed her to go away. Ochako nodded, understanding, and went to check the storehouse if it had everything they ordered a while ago.

"Marco, what do you want?"
The man on the other line laughed.
"Don't be so cold, yesterday night you weren't..."

Todoroki was furious by now, interrupting his work for such nonsense.

"I am working but I assume you aren't, as per usual... I already told you to stop calling me. It's over."

Shoto sighed, he opened the first button of his button down shirt.

"Shoto please, give me another chance. Maybe tonight... when will you end working?"

"Around eight pm."
Ochako was calling him but Todoroki lifted his hand up, telling her to wait just a moment.

"Alright, I will take you on a date, ok?"

Todoroki sighed again.

"I don't really want to... but okay, this is the last time you call me here, okay?"

He felt the man almost jumping from happiness.
"Yes! Love you! Bye!"

He was too excited, and Todoroki almost felt a headache creeping up.

He hung up the phone call, placing the phone over the desk. Ochako approached him:

"I know it's not my business Shoto, but is everything right?"

He shook his head, but he could not tell everything to her.

"Don't tell the others what you just heard. Okay?"

She nodded.
"Will do, but you should not be afraid to show who you really are"
Todoroki felt a shudder going down his spine, it summoned old memories from his past.

"I know, but it's not the time"
She nodded, looking around.

"Time to work again" he said closing his shirt and going near Kaminari who was now dying her hair.

author's note

Hello guys! I'm here with a new story, since the other one ( No man's land) is almost finished.
Hope you enjoy this au! Let me know ;)


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