Chapter 20

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"I am going to call him"
Kirishima ran his hand over his face, it was the second time in one minute.
The fact was that bakugo could not believe Izuku's last interview.

"Katsuki, wait. He knows what he is doing"

Bakugo turned his head towards him, in the silence of their apartment he snapped angrily at his

"He knows? What the fuck does he know? He is fucking ruining his career for that piece of shit"

Kirishima walked towards him and sat on the bed by his side.
"Katsu... Don't be angry, if he said what he said, it is because he believes in him. We should too..."

It was bakugo's moment to sigh. He let Kirishima hug him as he typed Izuku's number on his
phone, knowing it by heart.
The phone rang a few times before a happy voice answered.

"Katsuki! What a pleasure..."

He said smiling. In the Taxi he was in he could not rise his voice
much but he tried his best to sound cheerful.

"Hey nerd, I just watched the interview you made a week ago... Care to explain?"

Izuku laughed, he was now used to that names.

"What do you want to know? It was the right time."
Kirishima held Katsuki down as he tried to get up.

"It was the time? For what? To fucking ruin your career? Haven't you seen all the comments
online? Because I certainly did."

Izuku's looked down, his breath ragged in the phone.

"Izu... Hey I... Don't panic, I didn't mean to shout..." Katsuki suddenly said, well aware of these

Izuku's composed himself and after a minute or so he answered.

"I love him"
".... I know you do... But..."
Izuku shook his head, full knowing that he would not be able to see him.

"I will come to your bar this afternoon, okay? So we can talk. I will bring todoroki too if he can"

The taxi stopped in front of his house in the same moment he hung up the call.
He paid and got off ready to open his door.

His cat greeted him, it was funny how this little creature showed his affection: his nose poked Izuku's face in different places and purrs followed the peculiar gesture.

"I love you so much" he muttered with a singy voice as he prepared him a little meal.

Izuku decided to call Todoroki and ask him if he could come with him this afternoon, tomorrow too.

The phone ringed twice before Kaminari took it from the desk. Todoroki was currently washing a customer's hair and had his hands wet.
His cheerful voice echoed trhough the phone and Izuku found himself surprised. Why was Kaminari answering his boyfriend's phone?

"Izuku? Is that you?"

Kaminari heard a flebile Yes from the other side.

"Todoroki is working! Could you call later?"

"Can't I talk to him? Just for a second?"

Was he really begging a friend to talk to his boyfriend?

"I don't know, Izuku… he is sooo busy" he said extending the sound of the last two words.

Izuku was about to reply when he heard Todoroki grabbing the phone from Kaminari's hands. He was sent to take care of the costumer.
A rushed "break time" and a cigarette later, Todoroki was outside, leaning against the door. Ochako handed him the lighter.

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