Chapter 8

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Todoroki walked towards the stereo system, turning it on. The music poured into the room softly at first, then more intense.

He untied his hair, his hands roaming through them unceremoniously: red and white locks smearing their colour on a imaginary canvas.

Izuku felt mesmerized by the charming vision: he traced his hair and lifted his arms up in the air, entwining his fingers.

The music picked up pace and the beat become more... how could Izuku describe it?
It was everything. The beat was sensual and Todoroki did everything in his knowledge to turn his body in time.

Izuku sat on the couch, he wanted to reach him but he mentally restrained himself: Todoroki told him he was allowed to watch, not to touch.
He was going to give him a show and so far it was highly appreciated.

Todoroki knew the effects he would have over him, his hypothesis were confirmed by the blush over his cheeks, how his pupils were piercing through his back. He felt so tempted to just take him there, but this was a reward. He was going to completely enjoy it.

He didn't waste any other time, he spinned around on his feet while slowly running down on his four; a predator whom knew who he was going to eat.

His mismatched hair caressing his cheeks and resting on his shoulder. He got up again, slowly, painfully slowly as his old teacher taught him.

He was going to make that guy's mind turn into a mess. He just needed a little bit more of contact.
He walzed towards him, his hips swaying too lustful, and soon he found himself a bare centimeter away from him. He felt his breath hot and irregular, his hands grasping the couch.
He turned around and on his lap, moving his hips in circles he obtain a low moan from Izuku.
He got up and turned around again, facing him: he leant forward pressing his lips over his, his red lipstick smearing over Izuku's lips.

When did he wear it? Izuku thought but was too caught up in his own aroused dream.

He felt the chapped feeling of lipstick over his own lips, Izuku leant forward trying to get more from him.

Todoroki didn't allow it and pushed him by his chest tracing firing patterns up and down.

"Don't rush" he said smirking.

Izuku felt his heart beat faster and faster.

He woke up. His chest was raising and falling on it's own mind, Izuku felt his head spinning just for a moment.

Was it a dream?

Izuku looked down, Todoroki had his head on his chest, they were both on the couch.

It was definitely a dream. He tried to calm himself down, breathing in for three seconds and then exhaling.
Repeat it five times.

It actually worked; he stroked his hair, they definitely a mess.
He felt his legs numb, Todoroki's body weighted on them.
Only now he could look at him in the eyes and noticed how tired he actually looked: during the night he felt him moving around, trashing his body around.
He noticed his shirt was up and a purple and black mole was covering his lower abdomen.

His hand moved on it's own will caressing the hem of the mole as if it was a delicate rim.

Todoroki flinched slightly, was it because of the pain?, he could not know.
However his eyes fluttered open, unfocused at first; his mouth opened only to close again, like he was aching for some air.
Izuku stilled, his fingertips felt the electricity under it as Todoroki's body moved and woke from its slumber.

A Hairdresser's Life   [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now