Chapter 3

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"I know what you need: a good ol' fuck" kaminari said serious.

Shinsou snorted, almost letting his third beer go.

Todoroki was yet again with his two friends, talking about what had happened just minutes before.

"What the fuck Kaminari, how could you be so serious saying things like that?"

Kaminari shrugged.
"I dont know, it's just my persona. I like having sex its fun"
"I agree" Shinsou intervened.

"C'mon Todoroki, how long has it been? Months? I knew Marco was doing great with you..."

Todoroki sighed and leaned his head over his arms.
"I dont like him anymore... plus he is a psycho"
He added, twisting the glass of gin in his hand.

"Woh woh woh, we are not talking about linking here! It's just sex dude. And you need a good fuck, we both know it" kaminari said, stating his mind.

He had always been open about his sexuality and he didn't mind casual sex, only if it was just sex, that is.
He was faithful to Shinsou but his body needed to have more fun.

"I could call Marco if you want..." kaminari trailed off, the real question still in the air.

"Or?" Todoroki said.

"Well... I could give you a quickie" he said looking between him and Shinsou, who seemed more relaxed that he should have been.

"You?" Todoroki almost shouted.

"Keep your voice low, for fucks sake" shinsou said touching his temples.

Todoroki sipped at his drink again, maybe he heard it wrong.

"Yeah, it would not be the first time either" kaminari said shrugging.

"Oooh" Shinsou said "are you cheating on me Kaminari?" Kaminari lightly pushed him, a smile over their faces.

"My heart is only yours" he said pecking Shinsou's lips.

"So? Me or Marco? Since Izuku isn't available yet" he said smirking.

Todoroki blushed at the mention of Izuku, but then thought about it. This was gonna be just fun, between two guys. He didn't really want to call Marco, he would only make things worse.

"You" he said and finished his Gin.

Kaminari smirked trhiumpally.
Shinsou got up "okay lovebirds, I'm gonna be near the desk, i will help Frank out if he needs a hand. Don't make too much sound" he said winking to kaminari, patting his ass.

From one am to 6 am, when the bar would close, the music changes and now it was loud house music. Not much to Todoroki's liking but the favourite for Kaminari.

"Think of me as that Midoriya guy, would you?" He asked as he was forcing Todoroki to the dancefloor.

Todoroki could only nod, finding a space between the couples who were now surrounding the space.

He never let go of Kaminari's hand.

He found himself quite clumsy in this type of dance, he didn't really know what to do but Kaminari seemed at ease: he circled his neck with his arms and pushed their body flush.

"Let loose, c'mon you are too tense for this dance" he said swaying lightly to the left and to the right.

Todoroki did as instructed, the alcohol doing the rest.

  -in my mind, in my head -

The song started almost too quietly, but Todoroki knew that this version had its bass boosted. Shinsou was doing everything right.

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