Chapter 13

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Shinsou woke up feeling his bed empty.
He turned around and felt the coldness of the sheets under him: Kaminari is not used to wake up this early in the morning, he thought.

"Den?" He called.
A noise came back as an answer, it wasn't a proper one but that would do.

"What are you doing in the bathroom? It's only seven in the morning… I think…"
He asked trying to scratch the sleepiness away.

He got up feeling chilly; he wasn't wearing any shirt and the light pair of boxer he was wearing did nothing to prevent the morsels of the cold.

"Denki, are you okay?"

He heard a toilet flush and some murmurs. Shinsou sighed, usually Kaminari would throw himself at him.
He knocked on the door giving him some space.

He sighed again, yawning. The bags under his eyes did nothing to cover his tiredness, on the contrary they just underlined it more.

"May I come in?"

Kaminari whispered a light yes, it was almost unpercettible.

He turned the knob and opened the door to their shared bathroom.
He noticed his lover onto the floor and that was enough to alarm him; his heart pumping blood faster and faster.

He run towards him and soon sat with him on the floor.
"Hey, hey… I am here, shh"

He whispered almost lulling him back to sleep, his deep voice always managed to calm him down, like some sort of mind control.

"Calm down, kami. Tell me what happened…"

Kaminari sobbed into his chest, covering it with saliva and tears, maybe some stains of vomit too.

Shinsou did not care.

"You puked Den, how are you feeling?" He said passing his thumb over his lower lip, cleaning it away from some stains.

Kaminari looked down and sobbed one last time, his breath became more regular.

"I… I got anxious"  he whispered.

Shinsou hugged him tight, an hand pressing through his blond hair.

"That's okay, sunshine. You are okay now, I am here"

Kaminari smiled at the pet name, burying his face deep into that formidable chest.

"I was angry because of that costumer. I…"

He hiccuped.

"It's okay, love. It's okay" shinsou repeated like some sort of mantra.

"I know I am okay with Shou and everything but… her words really got me"

Shinsou sighed, he hated that woman more then everything. And he hated Todoroki for saying nothing, how could he not notice that under the playful smile of Kaminari there was something more? 

"I know, I cant imagine how you are feeling right now… but why didn't you wake me up? I could have helped"

Kaminari smiled bitterly.

"I did not want to be a bother..."

"Oh love, you are never a bother to me." He said kissing his blond hair again.

Kaminari sighed and melted into his touch.

"The past won't hunt you anymore, Den. I am here with you, we can get through everything"

Kaminari nodded and yawned, the nerves finally letting him go.

"Are you tired, kitten?"  Shinsou asked kissing his tears stained cheek.

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