Chapter 17

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If Izuku should have said that he was not thinking about Marco, he would be lying.
It was not an obsession, more like a dangerous thought; he really wished for him to disappear from Todoroki’s life.

Therefore, when he met him, in front of Todoroki’s main door, he did not know how to react: should he be calling Todoroki? Should he confront him and tell him to fuck off?

Marco was smoking in front of the main door; he looked at peace with himself judging by those slow movements that he made breathing in and out the smoke.

Marco was taller than he was and his tattooed arms made him look like a thug, or maybe he would have appeared like this even without those tattoos.  

However, the fact is, Marco showed no feelings upon his poker face. That was what made Izuku fearful the most.
Marco seemed to have noticed him as he threw away the cigarette butt; he recognized him after a while, maybe was his green curly hair that gave him away, or maybe because he was just under Todoroki’s apartment at midnight; a time in which one should not be walking around just because.

Marco was the first to spoke, as Izuku did not want to talk to him; his deep voice made him tremble with fear: it was throaty and annoyed; maybe a hint of rage within.

 “Hey there…" 

Izuku looked at him and nodded his head.

"I am Marco" he said extending his right hand: the sleeve lifted and a detailed phoenix poked his eyes out. It was alluring and Izuku lost the count of time by looking at it.
Marco noticed and smiled, moving his hand away he rolled the sleeve up and showed the tattoo to him: the phoenix had red and orange feathers, some words where written under it:


Izuku thought how fair those words were: he himself tried that phrase over his life. He was envious of those beautiful creatures, being able to rise and live again.

"Do you like it?"

Izuku nodded, his mouth opening and closing. A smile formed upon his lips and he forgot who he was talking to.

"Marco… why are you talking to me? At this time…"

Marco covered his face and sighed, he scratched his shaved chin and adjusted his shirt.

"I know I should be the last one you would want to meet but… i need to talk to you"

Izuku was annoyed, this man abused of Todoroki.

"What do you want?"

Marco moved forward and Izuku did not have time to react. He gave him a crumpled piece of paper: he could still feel the stress it went under.

"Its my number; I know I have been a monster with… with your boyfriend but… did he tell you why it all started?"

Izuku was curious and at the same time he did not want to hear. It was an hamletic doubt, he could sense what Eva felt in the Eden: to take or not to take the apple? Now he could see how much this choice was important for his life.

"He didn't" it was nothing more than a mutter, words whispered to god… or was it to the snake?

"He cheated" he said and Izuku swore he saw him with teary eyes, a tear dropped onto the ground and shattered, was it his heart?

"Who?" He didn't want to know but…

"That blond guy… they have this strange relationship that is beyond friendship… strange that he didnt tell you anything" he said and smirked.

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