Chapter 19

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Cold Caffè was an undemanding bar: Jazz music pouring from the artist and reversing itself into
the costumer's ears.
A Paradise for Izuku's old souls - as he likes to describe himself.
I will survive by Gloria Gaynor was playing on the juke box, wooden walls covered the cozy place and plants were hanging down, showing their green pearly color to the few costumers that spare them a look.

Nathan was already there: he sat in the furthest angle of the room where a little cactus was placed in the center of the table.
Izuku walked in, his hair tied up as he wore a black wool beanie and a long scarf around his neck that covered his lightly bearded chin; dark brown hair peering from the scarf.

Izuku nodded towards the cashier that greeted him and walked towards Nathan: he was wearing a dark brown turtleneck, it really suited him.

"Sorry, I am late" he said lightly bowing his head.

Nathan shook his head and showed him a polite smile, one Izuku was not so used to.
"I just arrived, don't worry. Please have a sit, I am going to take our orders. I ordered a cappuccino and a brioche, is it okay?"

Izuku gently nodded and sat down in front of him, the screeching sound of the chair bothering the calm atmosphere of the place.

As Nathan walked to grab their orders, Izuku took his time admiring the place. He has never been here and it sure was a loss for him: wood was the main element and Izuku loved it. The interior designer did a good job.
He admired the table, which was made by a plate of marble, and the little cactus showing his fragile figure from the vase.

Izuku thought that he needed to end his chapter, he left it minutes before going out and he really missed the feeling of his fingers against the keyboard. For now he enjoyed the music that kept changing as each song finished, soon Nathan came back with their food.

"How long since you took a shower?" Nathan said jokingly.
Izuku looked down to his hands and then to his nails: he really needed to wash himself and take a good care of his skin.

"Three days? Maybe more... I need to shave, this hair are making me crazy" he muttered scratching his chin.
Nathan laughed.

"Muse got you that bad?"
Izuku nodded covering his face with his hands but a smile showed itself under them.

"I need to get myself together" he muttered.

Nathan nodded and placed their food on the table, Izuku munched over the brioche.
"What about Todoroki? Does he say something?"
Izuku shook his head.
"I have not seen him in a week or so, he is busy working and I am busy stinking"

Izuku opened a sugar packet and poured it in his cappuccino; sipping at it he watched as Nathan
ate his brioche too.

"What about you, Nathan? What did you want to talk about?"
Nathan shrugged.

"I just wanted to see you, my friend." He showed a piece of brioche into his mouth.

Izuku smirked and tried to comb his hair.

"You are not the type... Tell me the truth"

"Always so observant" he said and finished the brioche.
He leant forward, almost whispering a secret into Izuku's ear.

" I want throw a party... Dave's birthday is the third of December and I want to make it special...
All his friends are invited."

"Even ex boyfriends?" He smirked the last part laughing.
Nathan showed him away. Izuku got up and finished his cappuccino.
"You are a special case" he said hugging him.
Izuku smiled fondly to him and said that he would always help.
"How can I help?"
"Well.. Take that hot stuff you have as a boyfriend over to my house and we can start talking" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

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