Chapter 10

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"Shoto you should eat"

Izuku said to him once they got to Todoroki's house.
The shop closed hours ago, he did not talk to Kaminari nor he wished to.

"Give me a slice of bread, for tonight it will do"

Izuku sighed but did so, he watched as he munched over it.

"Hey, it's okay… it happens. I am not mad"

He said sitting on the bed behind him, circling his back with his arms.

"I know but… she hurted everyone I cared for"

He dried his tears with the hem of his shirt.

"I know.. but we love you. Kaminari does too... you two just need to talk. Everything is going to be alright"

"I went crazy over there for a second… sorry"

"Dont be"

He muttered kissing his neck from behind.

"Those words hurted me but If i am a faggot, i want to be one with you... i love you Shoto"
He whispered again, like a secret.

Todoroki sighed giving in to the warm Izuku radiated.

"How come I ended up with you? You are worth so much more than me"

He said looking everywhere but his eyes.

"These words hurt me more than everything Sho… you are a splendid human, you opened your salon... you did everything."

He turned Todoroki's head and kissed him, he moved himself sitting onto his lap.

"I know your life is hard but for tonight… let me take care of you"

He whispered to Todoroki whom smiled and nodded laying his back down onto the bed.

Izuku went down and kissed him onto his lips and then down to his jaw.
Whispering sweet little things to him.

Todoroki moaned feeling Izuku's mouth leaving hot paths over his skin.

"Let yourself go for tonight… just for tonight"

Todoroki nodded more then happy to be free for a night.

Izuku moved his hand under his own shirt, he lifted it slowly - maybe too slowly - and let his hand slip under Todoroki's shirt, his chest not hurting anymore.
He caressed the skin with his fingertips, feeling the electricity under it.

Everything was like electricity.

"Kiss me"

Todoroki said leaning up and capturing his lips, bringing him down with him.
Izuku felt the excitement in Todoroki's pants; that made him grind down harder, their hips together.

"Are you sure you want to do it?"
Asked Todoroki.

"Yes, I can't hold back anymore… is it ok?"


That was what Izuku needed to remove Todoroki's pants.
His blue boxer was straining against the erection, a darker shade of blue near the tip of his member.

"So eager are we?"

Todoroki blushed, he grabbed the sheets under him clutching them tight.

Izuku moved his head near Todoroki's member, touching it with the tip of his nose, savouring everything he could.
He touched the hem of the boxer gently lifting it with his fingers.

Todoroki shivered.

He let the finger under the boxer and then out again, circling the hem and drawing patterns over the burning skin.

A Hairdresser's Life   [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now