Chapter 7

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The clock ringed with an obnoxious melody.
It was seven in the morning and Todoroki was awake even before five am.

He simply couldn't sleep, that seering pain forcing himself from his wrist to his stomach, and the undeniable pain felt when someone he once loved beat you

The previous night Kaminari had called Shinsou, explaining more or less the situation and stayed with him. He was still sleeping on his bed, his blonde hair messily covering his face.

Todoroki was in the bathroom, near the bedroom, absentmindly watching himself in the mirror. Some of his roots were showing: you could see a dark brown spilling under the red and white hair. He needed to take care of it as soon as possible.

He wasn't particularly narcissistic but he felt at ease when working with hair, it was his way of condemning the anxiety.

He lifted his shirt and noticed the livid which was still very visible. He removed the shirt washing his upper body and face, some droplets falling from his eyelashes, other following the line of his well toned arms.

He splashed some cold water over his eyes, noticing some bags under them. He sighed again, he also needed to shave hating the feels of an hairy face.

He started to pour some shaving cream onto his left palm and lightly applying it to his chin and cheeks. He left it on for five minutes.

Meanwhile Kaminari woke up from the alarm that was set on the clock.
He murmured some nonsense, he always did so in the morning.
He stirred himself and regain consciousness of where he was.

"Todoroki?" He asked.

"Mm?" He hummed back, keeping his mouth shut while using a razor blade to shave.

"How are you feeling?" Kaminari asked leaning on the frame of the bathroom door.
Todoroki shrugged, he didn't sleep and was feeling like a piece of shit.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" He asked circling him from the back. He was shorter then Todoroki so he disappeared from the mirror.

Todoroki cleaned the razor and shaved another angle of his face.

Kaminari left him and peed, his hair a mess. When Kaminari finished, Todoroki washed his face ready for the day.
He left Kaminari in the bathroom while he picked up something to wear for the day. He removed his pants and wore something more classy.

"Today we have a lot of costumers" kaminari muttered in a funny voice while cleaning his teeth.

"I know... well let's do our best!" Todoroki replied smiling, he really loved his work.

"Do you want a cup of coffe? Or latte?" He asked to Kaminari, he wasn't feeling hungry.

"Coffe please, I'm dying" he said laughing while entering the bedroom and dressing with the clothes of yesterday.

Todoroki adjusted his tie and went down to prepare a cup of coffe.

"Your coffe is the best" he said smirking and leaning over his side.

"Get off! I know it is. Ah Kaminari could you braid my hair?"

The boy nodded and took his cup of coffe. He sipped at it while doing him and hairdo.

It took them another twenty minutes to be ready to go.

For once they meet Uraraka in time.

"What a vision!" She said smiling.

"Yea, we have done our best" Kaminari said smiling, his choker perfectly put on.

"What did you do to your hand?" Uraraka asked out of curiosity.

A Hairdresser's Life   [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now