Chapter 4

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It was one am and Izuku was walking home.
He just left Todoroki at the bar and now he was trying to find a train still available to get home.

"Fuck" he murmured, tracing his short hair with his hand. The smell of cigarette still over him.

He smiled lightly, a laugh surrounding him. Some guys looked at him with strange expressions, Izuku only shrugged.

He walked towards a metro and waited for the train. He called Dave.
The phone ringed some more until the man picked up.

"Izuku?" He said with a sleepy voice. "I was asleep..."

"Oh... sorry Dave. I'm... I'm just so happy!" He said smiling to himself.

Dave laughed on the other end.

"I wish I could hug you right now. What happened? It's one in the morning" he said whispering the last part.

A Male voice whispered something and Dave answered him

"Sorry Nathan, its Izuku... I didn't mean to wake you up"

Right, izuku thought, now Dave had someone. A certain Nathan.
"Sorry Dave, I will hung up. Are you free tomorrow? I would like to talk"

Dave thought for a second.

"Mm yes Izuku, let's meet at Denny's. One PM?"

"Okay, tell Nathan I said hi"
Dave laughed and he did so, he heard a light "hi" back.

The Phone went silent.

Izuku sat down at the station and waited for the train to arrive.
It was empty and he felt lonely, the ghost of Todoroki's touch still on him.

He sighed letting the cold breeze on his face. Fortunately Todoroki didn't take him home... he wasn't sure to control himself.

He turned on his phone again and searched from articles about him.

He laughed as he saw some articles about his hair, some about his style and a lot about his book. "The book of the year" a journal said. He could only smile.

But then an article picked his interest: "is the famous writer Izuku Midoriya, gay?" And went on what happened during the questions.
He read the comments too: some girls where sad, they didn't want him gay.
Someone called him faggot "I have always thought it! He looks gay" .

There were some happy and cheerful comments.

This made his heart quiver a little.
He closed his phone and put it in his pocket.

The train arrived and soon he found himself lulled by its movements.

He always loved the sounds of a train, the perfect combination of the engines.
He watched as houses and trees passed by, the dim light of the night engulfing him.
He was at peace, a giddy happiness bubbling inside of him.

He took  out his phone and sent a quick text to Dave:


Just a smiley face.

He soon arrived home, It took some hours, hell he should rent a house near the city.
He stumbled with the keys at the front door and soon heard some scratchy noise from the inside.

"Kuro! I'm home" he smiled, he opened the door revealing his cat.
He entered and the cat strolled towards him, liking his legs. He took him up, ruffled his fur and soon went to sleep.
"You know Kuro... izuku met a really hot guy!"

The cat meowed some more and nuzzled against his hand.

"I think I like him!"

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