Chapter 16

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Todoroki's house got crowded in no time: Dave was the first to arrive after Izuku gave him the position.
He had the same frown as the last time Todoroki saw him.

They greeted each other: Dave pressed their hands together, a nod with his head.

He brought his attention to Izuku very quickly, they needed to make some space for the cameramen and the boom operator.

"Okay Izuku, how are you feeling?"

Dave asked concerned knowing how anxious he could get.

"Well… I feel like a completely lost guy walking into a room full of eyes"

"That's… extremely detailed. Okay, come here"

Dave said as he stretched his arms towards him: Izuku noticed and surged towards his arms, feeling the embrace that soon followed.

Todoroki stood there, eased over the jamb of the door.

Dave hugged him and caressed his cheek murmuring how great he was; they were in their own bubble.

Todoroki really wanted to be a part of it too.

There was a knock at the door and a voice shouting.

"We are the agency, open up"

Izuku backed from him and opened the door welcoming the whole troupe inside Todoroki's eyes, bowing his head ever so slightly.
They were ready.

“Live recording in three… two… one… go!”

The executive director said signaling the camera operator. Izuku sat on the armchair Todoroki kept in the living room wearing a black turtleneck and fitting jeans Dave brought him.
Todoroki admitted how beautiful he looked.
The presenter, a man in his forties, sat beside him on the couch. They told him this was going to be an easy interview for their magazine; if everything went smooth, they would make it in about thirty minutes.

Izuku kept his hand on his thighs, he was clearly nervous; Dave gave him a thumbs up before everything started. Izuku did not look at him; it made Todoroki’s mind race in different direction: was he so worried that he forgot about him? Was his presence making him too nervous? He would not take it to the bank.
Izuku quickly combed his hair, passing his petite hand through his curly green hair making them fluffier, if it was even possible.
“Welcome back to a new episode of Afternoon with a writer!”
The presenter said standing up from the couch; the boom operator followed him.
“Today we have the honor to interview one of the greatest writer of this century… let us all bid welcome to Izuku Midoriya!”
Izuku smiled, politely bowing he thanked the presenter; a blush covering his freckled cheeks.  Todoroki loved this man.
“Mr. Midoriya how does it feels to be so popular among readers? I may add between nonreaders too, girls are crazy about you too!”
“Ah, not at all. I am just a writer, I wouldn’t know…”
The presenter nodded.
“That is what we love most about you… a poll showed that your most appreciated trait is your humbleness.”
Izuku smiled, this time he was not flushed or embarrassed, he was perfectly fine, Todoroki could tell.
“I write for a living and I live because I write, that is all I need”
He muttered nodding with his head, green curls bouncing up and down. He got a hair tie from his wrist and tied them up showing the undercut.
The presenter smiled to him.
“We have some questions that the public would like to ask you, would you mind?”
“Not at all, please go on…”
The presenter asked for an envelope that the camera operator gave him, he opened it and there was a list of questions.
“Let’s start with simple questions, shall we?”
Izuku smiled and nodded. Todoroki sat down on a chair he found, he could not stand still, he was somewhat nervous for him.
Dave eyed him, a small smile creeping his lips. Todoroki smiled back to him.
“How long have you been writing?”
Izuku brought his hand to his chin, he really thought about the time.
“I think since middle school? I would write silly fanfiction…”
“What does writing means to you?”
“Oh, that’s a really good question… well… it is everything for me. I had some problems back at home; I would close myself into my room. Instead of shutting myself from the others, I expressed my pain through writing. It really helped me”
“That is really deep. That’s why you are number one writer… you are very sensible.”
Izuku nodded, his hand tucking some hair behind his ears.

“That was what caused me major problems. I was bullied back at the days… I was too sensible for a man, you know… like a man should not be caring”

He said sarcastically.
Todoroki listened lovingly; he wanted to know him better.

“Would you like to tell us what happened?” the presenter said with a serious and concerned voice.
Izuku nodded again.
“There was this guy at school; he always pushed myself to the limit. I never attempted suicide but I must admit I thought about it several times…”

His eyes were watering. Todoroki got up, he wanted to go and hug me but the executive director prevented him from doing so.

“He is crying, let me help him,” He whispered to him.

“I am sorry but you are not allowed to do so, refrain from trying again.”

Todoroki sighed and sat down; Izuku followed him with his eyes, a small smile creeped over his lips.
“Then I grew older, things got better. I am trying to live my life without those problems and for now, it is working. Someone is helping me…”

The presenter smiled, Izuku dried his watery eyes with a tissue the presenter gave him.

“Is this someone a therapist or… someone special?”

“I did go to the therapist but now who is helping me most is someone special,” he said as he played with the hem of the tissue.

This was a sensitive area.

“Mr. Midoriya, there are a lot of rumors online telling that you are… how should I say it…”

“There are many rumors about me, you should be more specific” he said smiling sarcastically, he laid a hand over his knee.

“Many website say that you might be gay… during an interview your manager stopped this kind of questions but… are you willing to answer now?”

Izuku sighed, he looked down as he exhaled he breath he did not think he was holding.
“Is it important? I mean, I write books, why someone should care who I go to bed with?”

The presenter nodded in agreement.

“I know what you are thinking but… a lot of questions were about your sexuality, would you like to answer it?”
Izuku nodded.
It was a tiny yes, whispered like a secret.
“What was that?”
Izuku lokked up, straight at the camera, he flashed a smile.

“I am. I am gay."

"Let me just say…" Izuku started as his smiled spread wide and a hint of sadness showed itself onto his lips.

"I don’t know where I’m going on this path. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. You had to be lost, before you could be found. These are the truths.
You had to be confused, before you could find clarity; you had to suffer, before you could find peace. These were the only ways, life could happen.

He coughed a bit.

" Of course I was  confused before i found clarity.
If you weren't confused, then you would already be clear. Of course you were lost before you were found. If you were already found, then you wouldn't be lost. Of course there would be suffering before peace. If there was already peace, then there wouldn't be suffering. One necessarily came before the other. So yes, I am gay and I am proud of it"

Dave looked down, his face troubled.


hello and welcome back to my humble story.
With joy I present you my new chapter, in the hope that you can enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

I am currently on a little vacation and I am relaxing so much, however i won't forget this story as for writing is what i would really like to do every day.

Let me know you thoughts, take care of yourself and always be proud of who you are, as Izuku is showing to be.

Was this really okay for his career? Who knows, Dave is troubled.

I think this was very important for the story and for Izuku himself, will they found out about Todoroki? Will this be okay?

See you all in my next chapter!

Bye bye, enjoy the summer and your life!

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