Chapter 1

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"Hey boss, may I have a break please?" Kaminari asked, sweat trailing down his hair. He had worked hard in the storehouse, making order between the products Shoto had bought days before.

"I don't recall to pay you for breaks..."
Todoroki said, a little smile plastered over his face.
He was organizing the hair dye, taking the opportunity for a day off.
Ochako was humming some songs while cleaning the floor and throwing away old hairbrush.

"Please, I stink. I need some fresh air. I'm gonna faiiiint" kaminari dramatically posed making both of them laugh. He sure was a sun ray into the salon.

"Go out then, ten minutes or I am not going to pay you"

Kaminari looked offended, a hand over his chest.
"How dare you! I'm you favourite worker"

"Ouch" said Ochako, who was now going to throw out the brushes.

"Go out. Shut up. I can't deal with you right now."

"Yes sir!" Kaminari faked a marine salute and went out, a cold breeze finding his way inside.
Todoroki saw him taking a cigar out of his pocket, he signed to Ochako to call him.

Kaminari peeked his head inside
"What? Am I not allowed to smoke, chief?" He asked.

Todoroki shook his head.

"Gimme one"

Kaminari smirked making ochako sigh.

"Only if you pay me this break" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

Todoroki rolled his eyes.

"I will fire you"

All the colour went out from Kaminari's face and soon a cigarette was handed to him.
Todoroki smirked.

"Ochako, keep cleaning the floor then do the desk, order every document."

She nodded.

He went out with Kaminari, a hand playfully laid over the other's shoulder.

Kaminari laughed and laid over the shop window.
Todoroki soon followed.
The cold breeze was messing his hair, making them look like a bed head. He put on his red beanie, matching his half red and white hair, a work of art of Kaminari.

Todoroki leaned towards kaminari, the cigarette in his mouth. He lightened it up.

"Thanks" Todoroki said muttering exhaling a puff of smoke.

"So Shoto, how is it going?"
Todoroki smiled, inhaled the smoke and puffed it out again.
"Not bad,  what about you, lightening guy?"

Kaminari laughed, he lightly pushed him away.
"What's up with the nicknames?"
Todoroki only shrugged.

"Well I must inform you that I am doing well" he said smiling, a proud smirk over his face.

"So you finally told him, don't you?" He said between a puff or two of smoke.

Kaminari nodded.

"He said yes, we are together. Shinsou didn't expect I liked him"

"Well that's good, I'm happy for you two. I have known shinsou since school, he is a good guy."

Kaminari nodded.
"You should see how good he is in bed..."

"Stop! I don't want to know."

Kaminari laughed again, lifting his hands up defensively.
"Ok, ok. Just kidding. However I must thank you for telling me to do it"

"Don't worry, I am happy if I see my employees happy."
Kaminari suddenly hugged him
"You are the best" he said.
Todoroki threw his cigarettes away. Cold hair now filling his lungs.

A Hairdresser's Life   [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now