Chapter 5

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Izuku opened the door for Todoroki, once out he admired his car: an old Opel Corsa, (my real car btw) all gray and well cleaned.

"Nice car" izuku said touching the car door.

"It was my grandfather's. It's old but keeps going" he answered taking Izuku's hand in his own.

"Shall we walk? It's not so far away"

Izuku shrugged. "Yeah maybe is right, you have just driven here..."

"But if you want I can drive some more... it's up to you, really"

Izuku seemed to think about it, he really loved a nice car trip, even if it would be short.

"Car, please. Maybe I'm still tired from yesterday partying."

Todoroki laughed, when he lied like this he was adorable. He didn't say that out loud.
He opened the car door for Izuku to get in, he thanked him and closed the door.
The inside was kept simple and clean, izuku really liked it.
There was a keychain attached to the rearview mirror: it looked like a rosary, he didn't made Todoroki to be a Christian. However he didn't pay much attention to it, he noticed a box of CD.

He picked up one of them: Ibeyi, he didn't know the artist but seemed interesting. The cover was completely back, only with the name on it.

Todoroki entered the car and closed it soon after, he wore the seatbelt and turned on the car.
He looked at him, his expression puzzled.

"Do you want to play that CD?"

Izuku toyed with it for a while, pondering if choosing another one or not.

"Yes, please" he said giving it to Todoroki who soon inserted it and started it.

A foreign language played smooth, a perfect background music.

Todoroki seemed relaxed, almost lulled by this sound.
"Its your favourite group, isnt it?"
Todoroki nodded, a smile plastered over his lips.
"Yeah, I really love them, they are twins. "

Izuku hummed in response, listening to the music.
He put the car in gear and drove towards the place Izuku just said to him.

"You have to turn left soon after that street"
He nodded and followed the instruction.

Izuku rolled down the car window, letting the air brush against his skin. He smiled seeing the city where he lived passing by so fast.
He looked to the other man and placed his hand on his, entwining their fingers.

Todoroki kept his hand in place, not wanting to put their life in danger, but appreciated his gesture.

"Where now?"

"Right, that place with a bright Neon sign"

Todoroki nodded, he parked soon after in front of it.

"How lucky" he muttered while parking.

"Here we are! He said removing the key and the CD."

Izuku got off the car and inhaled deeply the fresh air. Todoroki watched him intently and smiled closing the car door.

"No man's land? What kind of name is that?"

Izuku turned to him with a fake angry face.

"Excuse me? It's the best bar around here!"

Todoroki shrugged but it really was a good looking bar, he was only messing with him.

A neon sign signaled the name, a brick wall decorated the entrance. There was a menu outside with all the special offers.
Drinks were gratis for girls only, what a shame...
Some plants were near the door, they went up the brick wall giving off a natural vibe.
To top it all it looked calm, an oldish bar. Not bad.

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