☑️ (1) favor; michaeng

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mina pov

"I need a favor."

I looked at him like he was a lunatic. "What more do you want me to do-"

"I'll give you back your stupid soul just help me with something."

in which Mina got her heart broken and made a deal with the devil

three years ago...

I walked to the library, trying to get my homework done before actually going home. I just wanted to be with my Dayhunie. I burst through the doors of the quiet building getting a few looks.

"Shhhhh!" The librarian whispered harshly at me. I smiled sheepishly and bowed my head a little.

"Sorry.", I whispered and went to a chair. I sat down with a huff and began to take out my things. Today wasn't really a good day at school. Someone made fun of Dahyun while I went to get lunch. If I didn't see Momo she might have felt uncomfortable.

Speaking of Dahyun, she has been a little weird with me lately, telling me that she was going to go to her friend's house instead of us hanging out. She blew me off a lot and spent less and less time with me. Today she finally has the time to hang out with me. On the day that I have a lot of homework.

So the solution for that problem is to do my homework during lunch and finish as much as I can. I missed her and just want to spend time with her. I may only be in high school but I know better than those other high school kids.

I imagine her as my wife and us having kids together. I guess you could say I'm really committed. With that in mind I started doing my work. And food is overrated.

time skip

I jumped in my car as soon as school ended. I already went to the store to get the food for Dahyun and I's dinner date. All I had to do was cook it. Spaghetti. I smiled widely thinking about how I am going to see Dahyun again and how happy she would be when she sees how much effort I put into this.

I pulled up in front of my house and rushed inside, quickly unlocking the door. I threw my backpack to the ground and sprinted to the kitchen. When I was getting my kitchen supplies out I got a call from my best friend Jeongyeon. I looked at it and answered it.

"What?", I asked, putting water in pot while holding my phone with one hand.

"Hey man, want to hang out at the coffee place? Nayeon and I are here and the food is so go-"

"Look, I'm really busy right now, Dahyun said she can finally hang out with me and I'm not going to let this one get away. Bye." I rushed out and hung up.

jeongyeon pov

"This bitch really hung up on me." I said to Nayeon who laughed at my facial expression.

"Well you are annoying, what did you think when she sprinted out of the school?" Nayeon said lightly punching me on the arm. That shit hurted.

"Well I would understand but i think I lost some brain cells to you talking to me."

"No I just punched them out of you." I gasped and was about to slap the fuck out of her but someone caught my eye. I stopped with my arm lifted and stared at the people who entered the door. I saw Nayeon look at me like I was an idiot, which in this case I am. "At least put your hand do-"

"Shut up. Nayeon look." I ducked a little and directed Nayeon to where I was looking at. Nayeon looked at where I was looking.

"OH-" Nayeon basically screamed which made me slap my hand over her mouth.

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