☑️ turn that shit down; 2yeon

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in which nayeon's music is too loud for jeongyeon who just moved in. [long as fuck]

jeongyeon pov

"Alright this is the last box." I said wiping the sweat from my eyes. Chaeyoung huffed as she let her side of the box drop, making everything go to the ground. I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Calm down, it's just pillows."

"Yeah, and now they are dirty pillows." I said emphasizing the word dirty. I quickly picked them up from the ground and put them back in the box. I looked at Chaeyoung who was just crossing her arms waiting for me to finish.

"I still don't understand why you needed help carrying pillows-"

"Shut up, I'm sore from working out, unlike you I'm not in very good shape." Chaeyoung laughed at me.

"Yeah, but you looked funny running on the trend mill so that made going to the gym not so bad." Chae said. I rolled my eyes and began to put my boxes into my room.

"Anyways, besides the fact that you dropped my pillows thanks for helping me."

"Nah, it's no problem, it's the least I could do." Chaeyoung said as she went to my kitchen.

"When you're done eating rinse your plate and put it in the dish washer!" I yelled.

"Alright mom!" She screamed back. I laughed to myself. I started to put my clothes in my closet. Chaeyoung came in with a piece of pizza.

"I didn't want to eat alone." I looked at her in disbelief.

"You can't eat in the room."

"But I just did."

"Don't you dare sass me." I warned her. Chaeyoung just smiled and shrugged me off. This bitch. I thought harshly.

"Jeongyeon who helped you when everyone else was quote quote busy?" She asked biting her pizza. I groaned.

"Fine just don't leave crumbs or else I'll make you vaccum the whole room."

"Deal." I sighed and continued on putting my clothes away. I already had the furniture put in a week before moving in so I didn't have to worry about arranging them. All I had to worry about was putting bed sheets on my mattress and my clothes in the closet.

"Did you meet any hot neighbors yet?" Chaeyoung asked. I looked behind me and saw her laying on my bed. She was waiting for an answer.

"I've been too busy." I answered shortly.

"Hmm, well are you going to introduce yourself?"

"No, I don't think that's necessary."

"Ahh introvert at it's finest, alright." Chaeyoung said. After about five minutes I finished putting my clothes in the closet.

"I don't really want to bother them. If I don't bother them they shouldn't bother me." Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow.

"And I think that's bull shit. Someone is going to bother you and you're going to have to go and talk to them whether you like it or not."

"Well if it does come to that I'll give you twenty bucks."

"That is such easy money-"

"And you can't tell the neighbors to somehow bother me."

"I don't need to do that. See you are irritated very easily. I don't need to sabotage the bet." She said confidently. I scoffed at her and she just laughed at me. "You know it's true."

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