☑️ frozen; samo

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when momo turns 21 everyone except her and her soulmate would be frozen.

sana pov

I sighed as I looked across the classroom yet again to stare at the woman I desired most but can't get.


She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen but sadly she wasn't into me and never will be.

I then felt a nudge on my arm. I glanced up to see Chaeyoung staring at me.

"Stop staring, you're trying to move on right? It's been years..."

"Only a couple years..." I defended myself. Chaeyoung shook her head.

"You have to accept the fact that you two aren't friends anymore. She's also with Mina so you can't really tear them apart, they're soulmates."

Ah soulmates. That's a thing here. The tradition is on one of the person's 21st birthday... everyone else would be frozen except for the person and their soulmate. It's cool but I never experienced it yet. I don't think I could experience it at all, I really thought that Momo might be the one but she stopped talking to me after she met Mina.

We were best friends before she met Mina. We were inseparable from kindergarten to high school. University was where we started to drift apart. In high school Momo was always into Mina, she kept saying that they were soulmates and that they were meant to be. Let's just say I was in pain for a while. 2 years to be exact.

I nodded back at Chaeyoung and looked to the front of the board. The class didn't start yet because the professor could never arrive on time so we always have fifteen minutes of just talking.

While I was getting my pencil out Jihyo came up to us and did a cute wave.

"Hey, guys!" Jihyo said cheerfully. Both Chaeyoung and I smiled.

"What's up Jihyo?" Chaeyoung asked nicely.

"Well... Momo's 21ist birthday is coming up and I wanted to throw her a surprise party. So she can eat with her soulmate while everyone's frozen. I just wanted to ask if the both of you guys wanna come." I looked at her in surprise.

"After all we've been through-" I started but was interrupted my Chaeyoung kicking my shin.

"Count us in." I glared at Chaeyoung but she just kept smiling at Jihyo.

"Alright, so I'll see you guys there!" Jihyo then walked away. I leaned back against my chair and stared at Chaeyoung threateningly. She just smiled.

"What are you doing?" I asked calmly when I felt like I was going to rip her head off.

"This is me trying to get you over Momo. She's been on your mind ever since. It's good." I groaned and rubbed my face. Chaeyoung was just laughing.

"I fucking hate you," I mumbled still hiding my face. Chaeyoung giggled at my pain. The teacher then waltzed into the room and we started class.

After going to my classes and dying a little bit inside I got into my car and slammed the door shut. Chaeyoung then climbed into the passenger's seat.

"You know your car is hella tall. You should have like a step here or something." She commented while closing the door. I scoffed at her and smiled.

"Not my fault you're a midget."

"That's just mean." I smiled a bit and started the car.

"I'm curious as to why Jihyo invited us. We didn't really leave off on the right note."

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