☑️ (1) hard to get huh; satzu

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tzuyu pov

"I loved chasing after you, but the degrading things you just said to me and the fact that you looked at me like I was nothing but garbage just really brought me down." Sana looked at me with guilt in her eyes.


"Don't, I need time..."

in which Sana is a popular girl and tzuyu just wants to be with her [pretty long]

I got ready for my day in school yet again. The only thing that makes me want to go to school is my soon to be girlfriend Sana.

Everyday I go to the store to get roses for Sana and buy her favorite chocolates. Now the thing is she's way out of my league. I was a tall nerd who wore glasses and got straight A's. I ended up being in the same grade as Sana because of how advanced I was in my classes.

Sana is the popular girl that everyone wanted to be around. Whenever she got gifts from other people she always rolled her eyes and threw the gifts in the trash can right in front of their faces. She does that to me also but it never affected me. They only costed a dollar anyways.

That made everyone back away from her, everyone but me. I always tried and get bullied for trying. It's fine though. Anything for her.

I got in my car and drove to school. My parents let me have this car, mostly because they were never here and always missed my birthdays. They were never here and as soon as I was old enough they took away the babysitter that was always there for me.

I eventually arrived at the same store I go to everyday. I got out of the car and entered the store. I was met with a smiling face.

"Hello Tzuyu, are you here for the regular things?" I heard the familiar voice. I got the things I needed real quick and went back to him.

"Yeeeep." I said with a huge smile and gave him the roses and chocolates. Yoongi smiled at me. He was my best friend but he works before going to school, something about making banks. Anyways he was always there for me when things went completely wrong.

"Here Yoongi, keep the change." I said giving him a twenty dollar bill and took the roses from him.

"Thanks man! See you at school." He yelled, I was already out the door so I heard bits of what he said to me. I went back in my car and got out a piece of paper and wrote Sana a note like I always do while giving her the gifts.

Hopefully this made you smile

When I arrived at school I went immediately to Sana's locker and stayed there. I always arrived early just so I could run into Sana. It works all the time. I looked around the hallway and saw Sana making her way over to me. I smiled at her, she didn't return the smile.

"Hey Sana, I brought you your favorite flowers and chocolates." I told her happily. She just looked at them and took it.

"Tzuyu, how many times have I told you, I will not go out with you." She told me in a bored tone. I just shrugged my shoulders and gave her a smile.

"I won't stop until you go out with me." Sana scoffed and threw my gifts away in the trashcan.

"Well you should because I'm never going to say yes." She got her books out of her locker and slammed it shut.

"Here. Let me carry your books." I took her books and she looked at me annoyed. She started walking away and I followed her to her first class. I was in all of her classes so this works for me.


"Alright don't listen to what they just said-"

"I never have a chance with Sana, please. I'm smarter than all these air heads in this school." I scoffed and sat down at our seats. Yoongi just looked at me and smiled.

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