☑️ statuesque; samo

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Challenge: generate eight random words and make a story with it... boat, rampant, manipulate, rope, and clown I promise, I actually generated these words cuz I can't think of IDEAS.

momo pov

I took a drink from my champagne and watched a girl from across the room. I felt a smirk next to me making me roll my eyes.

"Do you have something to say to me Jihyo?" I asked the girl next to me. I heard her laugh again and I felt her lean against my arm. 

"You shouldn't clown yourself..." Jihyo whispered into my ear, "... she's way out of your league." I scoffed and downed all of my champagne. I glanced back at Jihyo who was now smirking at me. 

"Watch me get her..." I trailed off and strutted towards the beautiful woman. Jihyo knew what she did. She gave me the boost I needed. It doesn't matter how much alcohol I consume, I needed something to make me go after the statuesque woman. Good thing I was naturally competitive.  

We were on a boat right now, well more of a really fancy boat. I got invited by Jihyo who wanted me to have an actual relationship. I spent my nights with different people every night so she wanted me to settle down with someone. Too bad nobody is good enough for me. 

As I approached the woman I felt the boat engine come to a stop. The fear was rampant as people ran around and commanded an answer from the captain. Of course, there was no answer, only chaos. 

"Everyone, please stop running." The captain shouted in the mic. The nicely dressed people finally calmed down and gathered around the stage. I searched for the beguiling woman but she was nowhere to be seen. God damn it... I thought as I looked around.  People around me were shouting at the captain who tried to tell them what was going on. 

"Everybody shut the hell up and let the man talk!" I didn't even have to look up to know that it was Jihyo, she was after all the owner of this ship. Everyone immediately stopped talking and focused their attention on the captain. He cleared his throat nervously and shakely put the microphone near his mouth. 

"We're having a bit of..of a problem with the engine... it will take us a little bit before we start back up again." Everyone finally settled down after the good news and went back to their chairs and drinking whatever the hell they wanted. I sighed, giving up about finding that woman and walked back to Jihyo. 

She smiled at me as I gave her a defeated look. Jihyo then fake pouted and laughed at me. 

"Aw... don't look so sad. Here you want this delicious cake? It was worth a lot so you should eat it." She told me with her mouth half full. I scrunched my nose and shook my head no. When Jihyo saw that I was actually upset she swallowed her cake and sat straight from her slouching position. "You know, that girl you were staring at is my friend. That's mostly the reason why I didn't want you to go for her. I don't want her to just be another one of your one night stands. I nodded my head and leaned back against my chair. 

"You're right." Jihyo scoffed again and I glared at her. "I'm admitting that you're right!" I raised my voice. She smiled and shook her head. 

"I know I'm right, do you know how much rope I find in your room after-"

"Alright! I get it! I just really love rope gosh!" I yelled at her to stop. We were in public, with a boat that isn't going anywhere and no wind to lead us anywhere. She giggled and continued to stuff her face with cake. 

"Can you get me another piece please?" She held out her plate. I rolled my eyes and snatched the plate from her hand.

"Only to get you to shut the hell up," I grumbled and trudged to the dessert table. As I was getting a huge slice of cake for Jihyo, someone bumped into me and dropped their cake on me. On my face. I looked up to see the woman I've been staring at for a while. I froze while she apologized profusely. 

"I'm so sorry, here let me help you..." She grabbed a napkin from the table and started to smear the cake all over my face. 

"Alright, that's enough," I told her and grabbed her wrist. We made eye contact and held it for a few seconds before I let go of her hand. I refused to wear any sort of heels with my dress but this woman, she looked so tall and so elegant. I couldn't help but stare. I cleared my throat and stepped back. 

"I'm going to go back-"

"To Jihyo?" She finished my sentence and leaned closer to me. "You know, there are some empty rooms..."  She whispered suggestively. I then pulled back from her and walked away with Jihyo's cake. She's trying to manipulate me, I had my fair share of people using me for money. I saw right through her. It's mostly the reason why I don't do relationships, because of the trust issues. Before I could reach Jihyo she stopped me by hugging me from behind. 

"I'm sorry, I went about this the wrong way," She whispered into my ear, ", the truth is I've known about you for a while, like before we got invited here by Jihyo." I turned around and grabbed her waist. 

"Well, how can I reject such a statuesque woman." The boat then rocked forward, moving towards our destination. Jihyo smiled at us and took a picture on her phone.

#samofinallytogetherafterlookingateachotherforsofuckinglong #proudmother 

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