☑️ (2) hard to get huh; satzu

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a recommendation made by myaotm.

tzuyu pov

"So how's the non chasing life." I laughed at Yoongi.

"Good, it's good. I might ask out Jihyo though." I told him. We were currently at school and walking down the halls together.

"Wow, it's about damn time. Y'all have been flirting for fucking months."

"Bitch." I responded shortly. Yoongi laughed at that and we stopped at our lockers.

"So... I don't know if this is a sensitive topic but are you finally over Sana?" Yoongi whispered the last part of the question. I stopped getting my books out and looked at him.

"Honestly though. I don't know what I saw in her. She wasn't the Sana I fell for. I think she died a while ago and I was too blind to see that. So yeah, I'm over her." I finished taking my books out and closed the locker shut.

"Ok I just wanted to make sure because I don't want to come into your room again to see you crying. Because to me that's heartbreaking." I rolled my eyes at him while laughing a little.

"Yeah I was such a mess for the wrong girl." We then started to walk to class.

"Hey Tzuyu." I heard my name called so I turned around like a normal person. I looked behind me to see Mina walking over.

"Oh, hey Mina." I greeted her. We aren't friends but we sure as hell aren't enemies. I just put my guard up around her because she's Sana's friend.

"I need to tell you something. And it's about Sana." I scoffed and was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm and dragged me into an empty classroom. And I let her because again I was amused by the situation.

"If we are going to hook up this wasn't the ideal place I wanted to do it in." I joked. She obviously didn't take that as a joke because of her glare at me.

"I don't know what Sana sees in you. And for the record I have a fucking girlfriend so shut it." Jeez scary Mina. I nodded obediently and she went back to being soft again.

"So what are we talking about?"

"About Sana you dumbass, look she likes you now that you gave her space. And I know it sounds bad but can't you forget Jihyo and ask out Sana again?" I looked at her like she was insane.

"No." I stated.

"If you don't go out with her she might do stupid things to get your attention. I heard her say she was going to start flirting with Jihyo and make her fall in love. That's not good and it will definitely piss you off once Jihyo comes running to you because she was played by Sana."

"Jihyo isn't going to choose Sana over me..." Mina gave me a sad look.

"You know Jihyo liked Sana for a while also right. Anyone can fall under her charm once she started flirting with them."

"So that means she would ditch me for her? After everything I told her about Sana. I don't think so." Mina sighed and shook her head.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Sana likes you and in order for her to get your attention she does stupid shit to make you look her way. I'll see you in class." Mina ended with that and left me alone in the abandoned classroom.

Welp I'll just stop Sana before she goes after Jihyo. I thought to myself as I made my way to my class also.

I entered the classroom to see Sana talking to Jihyo. Oof I'm too late. I thought and sighed as I went back to my seat. I heard Jihyo giggle at what Sana said. I looked over to see Jihyo on her chair while Sana sat on top of her desk. Jihyo wasn't even in this class but I guess she ditched for Sana.

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