☑️ ok but that's irrelevant; mihyun

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in which mina gets jealous of dahyun and her flirty ways. [short]

mina pov

I scowled again as I saw Dahyun back at it again with her. Momo, even though she's my friend I still can't help but feel jealous. I rolled my eyes and continued to scroll through my phone. I heard a laugh beside me. I rolled my eyes again.

"Not now Jeongyeon." I said with a huff and got more comfortable in my couch. I heard that bitch laugh again.

"Ok, no need to direct your anger towards me." She said. I didn't look up as I kept going through my phone.

"Hey stop that!" Dahyun screamed from the distance. I immediately looked up and saw Momo on top of her while she tickled her. I saw the both of them laughing and having a great time on the other couch. I got up and went into the kitchen instead.

Whenever Momo comes over she's always flirting with Dahyun. Like damn can't you just stay the fuck away. Even though Dahyun and I met through Momo I still couldn't help but feel jealous. I got out a piece of bread from the fridge and angrily ate it.

"Ahh there you are. I'm surprised you aren't eating ketchup." Jeongyeon spoke up and sat next to where I was slumped at. I shook my head and kept eating the bread. Jeongyeon looked at me and sighed.

"Alright hey, if you feel jealous about Dahyun why don't you try to make her jealous?" She asked me. I perked up at that and lifted my head to make eye contact with her.

"Make her jealous... but like how?" I asked as I took the last bite of my piece of bread. She laughed.

"My gosh you have a lot to learn huh.." Jeongyeon trailed off and started telling me her plan.

dahyun pov

"Momo! Stop doing that!" I yelled at her as she kept tickling me. She laughed and finally got off of me. I sat up and glared at her. She laughed at my face and adjusted herself.

"I'm sorry..." she said while giggling. I just shook my head at her while I smiled.

"I know Mina wasn't here but don't you think she's going to realize that you're making her jealous on purpose?" Momo said. I frowned at that.

"Well she doesn't really care from the looks of it like she lets you get away with almost everything. Or she ends up leaving the room." I said.

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait for her reaction." Momo said and I nodded my head agreeing with her.

next day

This is weird. Mina hasn't talked to me all day after hanging out with Momo and Jeongyeon. If anything I think she's avoiding me.

When I got ready for bed she was already asleep and didn't wait for her good night kiss. Also the next morning she didn't try to wake me up or ask for a good morning kiss. I frowned at the thought and got ready for the day. I was little sad and wondered if I had gone too far. I'm gonna have to talk to her later. I thought and shoved my shirt on. As soon as I finished Mina came into the room. I stopped and just stared at her. She smiled at me and approached me.

"I'm going to go hang out with Jeongyeon today." She told me happily and I smiled. Whenever she smiled I smile also.

"Yeah, yeah anything you want babe." I said feeling relieved. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be back in about three hours." Mina said and I nodded along with her. She hugged me and left.

So she's not mad after all. I thought. Everything was fine between us.

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