☑️ you just couldn't help yourself huh babe; saida

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in which sana and dahyun are in a secret relationship.

sana pov

"Alright babe. So what do we do..." I asked Dahyun. She groaned and put her head on my shoulder.

"We've already been through like a thousand times-"

"Ahhh." I said and looked at her.

"Go to your friends house and make sure not to do anything couply and to make sure that your friends think that you are still single."

"Yes! Good job baby!" I said satisfied and gave her a kiss. She laughed and pulled away.

"Hey. You're breaking your own rules." She said while pushing me away. I frowned at her and pouted. She groaned and gave me a kiss.

"Yay! Now let's get into the car." I said dragging her towards our car. Dahyun pouted while she  let me pull her towards the car.

"Trust me. My friends will love you." I looked over at Dahyun and saw her frowning.

"Why won't you let them know you're in a relationship?" She asked with a sad face.

"Because they keep telling me that I'm a play girl. They won't believe that I'm in a serious relationship. But can you please just play along... I know this is a lot to ask-"

"Ah, wait. I'm not worried about me, I'm more worried about you becoming jealous. You have a knack of doing that." Dahyun said smirking a bit, I gasped as she put herself in the car.

"Now just wait a damn minute." I said and came in after her. Dahyun laughed as I sat on her lap. I slammed the car door shut and made myself comfortable on her lap. She giggled while I had an offended face on.

"What do you mean I get jealous. No I don't."

"Alright anyways let's go."

"Nope I'm not done."

"Come on, we'll be late." Dahyun said and pushed me to the drivers seat. I groaned and fixed myself on the seat.

after car ride

"I'm so nervous." Dahyun said as we stopped in front of Jeongyeon's house. I laughed and turned the car off.

"They'll love you alright. They love new friends and are really nice." I reassured her. She nodded and we both went up to Jeongyeon's door.

dahyun pov

I took a deep breath in as Sana knocked on the door. The door swung open so quickly that I almost fell back due to the shock.

"Sana!" A girl yelled as she hugged Sana with all her might. Sana screamed and did a little jump as the other girl jumped with her. Didn't they see each other yesterday? I thought as they kept jumping.

"Oh! And who's she?" The girl directed her attention to me. I smiled bashfully and started to turn red.

"I'm Dahyun. Sana's friend from work." I said just like how we rehearsed it. Sana held her breath as her friend looked at me suspiciously.

"Alright! Well I'm Jeongyeon, one of Sana's best friends." Jeongyeon said as she reached out to shake my hand. I gladly took it and smiled.

"Wow, Sana you got yourself a cute friend." Jeongyeon looked at me and winked. I gulped. But before I could say anything Sana beat me to it.

"Ok, calm down. Let's go see the others." She interrupted and dragged to where the living room was. When we arrived at the living room there were four other girls waiting for them. All of them looked at Sana and I.

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