☑️ pity; michaeng

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in which Chaeyoung is with a band of thieves. A girl gets kidnapped making Chaeyoung feel bad, so out of pity, she released her with warm clothes. Little did she know that she will see that poor girl again...

chaeyoung pov

I walked around casually waiting for the rest of my members to go and get someone again. The things I do just for a little bit of food. I walked around the town. The dirt roads leading the way. I saw wooden cabins all around me as well as small markets trying to sell me things.

It was currently snowing. The snowflakes gently landed on my face and on the thick jacket that I stole. The ground getting more and more slippery. I was born an orphan. I didn't have anyone, making it a struggle to survive. One of the members of my group, Jihyo, took pity on me and gave me a place to stay. I'm currently 16 years old. What my group and I do is bad.

We kidnap people who we think would have a lot of money, then kill them when we have it. The people in my group are Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Jihyo, and lastly me. The three of them were about 18 years old. At first, Nayeon and Jeongyeon didn't want me to be a part of the group because I would have 'held them back'. I was essential to the way they do things.

My role in the group was to act weak and pathetic, so much that a person will come up to me and try to help me. The others are responsible for knocking them out and threatening them.

Right now though, I'm trying to go lure a specific person that Nayeon told me to go for. I don't know why she thought she was a good person to go for but I'll follow her directions.

I walked a bit more until I was in the middle of town. This area had a stone floor and isn't as rocky and bumpy on the way over, but is twice as slippery. This was where everyone with money hangs out, mostly because it was near the castle and no one has the balls to commit a crime here. This is also where the girl I'm looking for is supposed to be.

I smiled at the knights that passed me, I could see that they didn't expect that and turned away, probably embarrassed because I made their heartbeat quickly. I had a very attractive face to others. Too bad I don't like anybody. I continued to walk until I saw the girl. She was wearing a black cloak. We made eye contact and I saw her piercing brown eyes. She looked about a year older than me, maybe even the same age. I went up to her with a smile. I looked innocent enough, my height helps with my weak appearance a lot.

"Hello, can you help me with something?" I asked in a small voice. She raised her eyebrow and took off the hood of her cloak. She was stunning. Her brown hair fell over her shoulders as she fixed it. The snow falling added to her beauty as it landed on her. She stared at me suspiciously.

"With what?", she interrogated. I looked around and saw that Jeongyeon was lurking in the shadows in her green cloak. I looked back at her faking my tears.

"I..I think..think someone is..is following me..." I stuttered. The girl immediately looked concerned as I shed a few tears. I mastered the art of fake crying. I kind of felt bad for tricking this girl, she was really beautiful.

"Sure, sure come on." The girl then led me away from the middle of town. This was going according to plan. I looked back to see Jihyo on the other side of me, discretely following. I followed her until she stopped where the forest begins. She turned to look at me and smiled.

"Where are we?" I whimpered out. She gave me a soft look and took my hands.

"If you continue on this way it'll lead you to another city, just follow the scratch marks on the trees..." She told me in a soft voice. I nodded and let her go. I pretended to go the way she told me to when I heard a thump from behind me. I let out a breath to see the beautiful girl on the ground, Nayeon standing over her.

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