☑️ a hero; michaeng

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based on the series "The Flash".


"What's the matter with you lately? You've been distant." Mina scolded at me. I sighed while leaning back on my chair and put my paperwork down.

There's a huge secret that I can't tell Mina, and that's me being The Flash. I got this gift because of Doctor Wells' particle accelerator which gave other people powers, also the ability to wreck everything. I had to help the people, which gave me a good reputation. My friends Jeongyeon and Nayeon help me with stopping 'metahumans', as Nayeon loves to call them. They also got their powers from the particle accelerator.

Now how I met Mina was a different story. My mom was killed by a blur which I still don't know the answer to. I was then put in the care of Joe who took me in as soon as he heard the news. The police thought that my dad killed my mom which wasn't the case at all. I was only eleven when that yellow blur took away both of my parents. My dad in jail and my mom dead. Joe has a daughter, Mina. That's how the two of us met. Also developing a huge ass crush on her. I'm currently working for the CCPD (central city police department), me being a CSI while being The Flash simultaneously.

"Chaeng!" I got out of my trance and stared at her.

"Sorry...hm?" I asked dumbly. Mina rolled her eyes and leaned against the arms of my chair. If someone came into my lab right now it would look like Mina was about to give me a kiss.

"You. Are. Hiding. Something." Mina told me angrily as she leaned in closer. I gulped and scooted my chair away from her, but she held on hella tight not letting me roll away. I sighed and fixed my hair.

"I'm fine, I promise."

"Another lie!"

"Mina! I'm not lying!"

"You know what, talk to me when you're finally ready to talk about whatever the hell's bothering you!" Mina yelled at me angrily and pushed my chair away. I bumped into my shelves as she stomped off to write another report.

"Well, that was quite a show..." I jumped up a bit to see Joe leaning against the wall. I sighed and leaned back in my chair more.

"I don't know how long I should keep this from her..."

"I told you not to tell-"

"I know... I won't." I cut him off and rolled back to my desk. Joe sighed and sat on my desk.

"So hows-" Joe started but my phone made a ping sound before he could say anything. We both looked at it a message saying that there was an attack at a bank. I quickly sped out of the police station and got to the bank in five seconds.

I saw a guy controlling the weather inside, there was rain in the building.

Wow, anything is possible after that explosion huh? I thought. I then sped inside getting the people out of there. Once they were all safe I went back in to see the villain holding a girl.

"Hey!" I yelled at the weather maniac. The person turned around to reveal not just the villain but a girl also.

"Ohhh, Flash. I was waiting for you to show up. I froze when I saw who it was. The villain was Jin and he had Mina. "One move and I'll kill her." Jin spat out. I scoffed but stood still.

"Did you think this through? I can move so fast that you won't even know if I moved from this spot or not." I grinned at him mockingly.

"Yeah, but I can reveal your identity to Mina..." Jin said back with a lot of sarcasm. My grin slowly faded while Jin smirked at me.

"You don't want me to..." I then used my speed to grab Mina and left the bank, I dropped her off outside.

"Stay here," I told her with authority and went back to the bank. After all the fighting I eventually won and put the guy in one of Nayeon and Jeongyeon's metahuman cells.

But I had a big feeling that Mina knows who I am. I don't know why though.

When I went back home I saw Mina waiting for me on the couch. I froze when she went up to me and looked deep into my eyes. I blinked at her like an idiot, tilting my head in the process.

"What's up?" I asked hesitantly. She crossed her arms and kept staring at me. I sighed and scratched the back of my head. We didn't talk for a good minute until Mina walked away and climbed up the stairs.

The fuck just happened? I thought as I took off my jacket. All of a sudden I heard Mina scream I used my speed to bolt up the stairs and saw nothing but Mina who crossed her arms at me. I froze and just stared at her with wide eyes.

Mina went up to me slowly while keeping eye contact. My gaze shifted away from her as she got closer. She finally stopped and sighed. I was still looking on the ground refusing to look up.

"So this is what you aren't telling me? Flash..." Mina said in her usual quiet tone. I gulped and leaned back against the door. I didn't say anything because Joe would be really pissed off. Mina came closer pinning me against the door. My breath hitched, I tried pushing her off but she kept pressing into me.

I finally made eye contact with her making the both of us freeze. My crush on her just doubled. I analyzed her face as she did to me.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner." I said. I held onto her hips.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Is it because of Joe? Did he tell you not to tell me?" I nodded. She scoffed and was about to pull away completely before I grabbed her and pinned her to the door.

"Trust me when I say that I wanted to tell you first. When I'm out there I think of you, moments where I'm not in a good position I think of you..." I sighed and pulled away from her. "I understand if you don't want to talk-" Mina kissed me before I could finish.

I was surprised and freaking out at the same time. My crush is kissing me. Jeez. When we pulled away I was smiling like an idiot. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"My hero." Mina whispered and leaned in for another.

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