☑️ fooled; 2yeon

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in which Jeongyeon and Nayeon are rival teachers, yet the school ships them together.

nayeon pov

I walked down the hallway. Everyone stared at me as I strode down with confidence. I was a teacher at a school and everyone know the famous Ms. Im. That's me. I went into my classroom and locked the door. I didn't want kids coming in here early.

All the students know me and there's a big reason. I have a thing with another teacher. I don't like her. Her name was Jeongyeon Yoo or Ms. Yoo.

We didn't click on the first day and ended up not liking each other at all. We always have something to say to each other, in short we are really immature and childish when we are together.

There was one time where Jeongyeon went into my classroom and told the students they were given a free period from my class. I was furious and told the principal but he didn't do anything. I ended up getting her back by 'accidentally' pouring water on her computer. Of course she told the principal about it but he did nothing yet again.

We went back and forth for a while, making the students entertained. They always talked about us and our feud.

The bell rang making me groan. I had to deal with the students and their questions about Jeongyeon and I. I opened the door and a flood of high school students entered.

I waited for the final bell to ring so that I can start my lesson in how to write a good essay. The students were weirdly good today, they were in their seats and waiting for me. I raised my eyebrow at them and they just laughed at my reaction.

"What is this? Why are y'all good for once?" I questions and sat on my chair. They giggled but didn't say anything. I looked at my number one student who was Bambam. He looked away from me and started to fidget.

Another thing to know is that I was young, a young teacher. I graduated early making me a 23 year old teacher. The boys were interested in me making me gag since I would never even give them a chance. I guess you could say I'm pretty.

"Bambam... why is everyone acting weird?" I asked him directly. He looked back at me and gulped. Everyone was looking at him, I could tell they were hiding something and didn't want Bambam to ruin it.

"Uh..I..I don't..don't know." He stuttered and slunk into his chair. I looked at everyone else and they smiled at me. I nodded and got up from the chair.

"Ok, so today-"

"Water balloon fight!" I saw someone enter the room and throw a water ballon at me. It hit my straight on the head making the students laugh and me fuming. I cleaned the water from my eyes to see who threw the water balloon. I looked up to see a smirking Jeongyeon with another water balloon in her hand.

"Hey Im, next time be ready. See ya!" She smirked at me and left the room quickly. I stood there and didn't say anything. I want pissed off. I saw from the corner of my eye Bambam who gave me some paper towels. I looked at him and he gave me them quickly and went back to his seat. I clutched the paper towels in my left hand tightly and breathed in deeply.

"Did she tell you she was going to do this?" My students nodded and I rolled my eyes. I wiped my face and took off the jacket I was wearing. "Alright, lets start our lesson for today..."

after lesson

"So... does anyone have any questions?" A student raised her hand and I called on her.

"What's your relationship with Ms.Yoo?" I rolled my eyes at that.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Well the whole school thinks that you two are secretly together and your way of showing affection is through these small pranks." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Nope, you got it all wrong."

"You guys would make a good couple though." She told me. I looked at her in disbelief.

"Who thinks Ms.Yoo and I make a good couple?" I asked the students. I guess they were ready to answer that question because all of them raised their hands in a second. "Wow... I did not expect that." I mumbled to myself and sat on my chair.

"Yeah... you guys make a great couple." Another student piped in.

"What makes us a great couple?" I interrogated them.

"The chemistry. You guys get along well but these pranks are just a facade to hide the fact that you're actually together." Bambam said.

"No I think it's sexual tension." Yeri said. That comment made everyone start talking. I scoffed and went back to grading papers. If only they knew. I thought then inputted the grades into the grade book.

after school

I got out of my car and went into my house. I reached to unlock the door but it opened by itself. I looked up to we Jeongyeon smirking at me.

"Hey babe, sorry for the water balloon. I had to keep the act up." I nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"It's ok. You know the students are actually on to us." Jeongyeon looked at me in fake shock.

"Really. I don't know what gave it away. The fact that we didn't get in trouble for doing those pranks or because of the sexual tension."

"What is it with you and sexual tension. My student Yeri already said that we had that." Jeongyeon her arms around my waist and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Whatever. Do you just want to tell them tomorrow?" I glanced at her and she kissed my nose.

"Ugh, what the hell babe why did you do that?" I sarcastically said and wiped my nose. She giggled and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Can we tell everyone that we're together?" I pretended to think about it until she's had enough and carried me to our couch. She held me down and tickled me relentlessly. I laughed telling her to stop and that I'll cooperate this time. She giggled and nodded landing on top of me.

We made eye contact. I studied her face, looking at her beautiful eyes. I sighed and gave her another peck.

"Yeah.. we should tell everyone that we're together." I mumbled into her lips. She nodded and hugged me.

Yeah, I wouldn't say we fooled the school but we tried I guess some of the students predictions were right after all.

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