☑️ rebound; nojambros

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in which minayeon cheated on the nojambros...

jeongyeon pov

"So... what are you going to do today?" I asked Chaeyoung who sat next to me. She grinned at me.

"Well, you know go out with my Mina. But...can I ask you something?" I took a sip from my diet coke while nodding at her to continue. Chaeyoung made herself more comfortable on my couch and rubbed her head. I waited for her to say something but it didn't look like she was going to say anything any time soon.

"Dude. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's fine." Chaeyoung sighed loudly and looked me in the eyes.

"Do you think Mina and Nayeon are cheating on us?" She asked quietly. I glared at her and immediately stood up from the couch.

"How could you say that?"

"Can you just hear me out-"

"No, no they would never. With who?" Chaeyoung looked at me like I was crazy.

"With each other. With each other Jeong." She said carefully.

"You bitch, no need to be like that." I spat out at her and she grinned at me.

"But, I'm being serious. Mina always goes to another place and her excuse is 'work' which I know isn't where she was." I sat back down slowly.

"Nayeon said the same thing to me..." We both exchanged a look.

"You don't think..." I nodded at Chaeyoung before she could finish her sentence. "Mina said they were going to be at the house... do you..." I again nodded and we started to get our things. I waited for Chaeyoung in front of the door, she was stalling and didn't want to believe that Mina might be cheating on her. I didn't want to believe Nayeon was cheating on me also but what can I do?

"Chaeng, come on. Stalling isn't going to make this easier for us." She stopped pacing and started to nervously crack her knuckles.

"If they are cheating on us... I don't think I'll be ok."

"No, you will be fine. And if what you said is true... I'll be there for you, ok." Chaeyoung nodded and we both went into my car.

"What if they are though..."

"Well, I guess we'll cry in each other's arms." Chaeyoung scowled at me.

"If they are cheating on us-"

"Chaeng, have a bit of fate. Don't you trust Mina?"

"Well do you trust Nayeon because we are about to go to my house way earlier than I said to."

"I'm only doing this because you're paranoid. Come on just chill out. In the end we'll just look like idiots for not trusting them." Chaeyoung leaned back onto the seat and massaged her head.

"I just have a bad feeling, that's all. Ok I think I'm ready. Let's go." I didn't want to tell Chaeyoung, but I had a bad feeling that they cheated on us. I didn't want to tell her though or believe that there could be a possibility of Nayeon cheating on me.

We both didn't want to leave but we had to.

Once we reached the house we quietly unlocked the door. We both went up the stairs to Mina and Chaeyoung's bedroom. Chaeyoung leaned against the door and listened to their conversation.

nayeon pov

"Are you sure that they're going to be gone the whole time?" I asked Mina. She smiled at me.

"What, you don't trust me?" I pouted at her and she gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I'm sure, Chaeyoung said that they are going to be busy the whole day with playing video games and catching up." I nodded and kissed her again.

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