☑️ 카지마; namo

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in which both of them are on the brink of letting go. [short]

momo pov

"But babe, you always work. Can't you just take a small break." I asked Nayeon. She was still working at home and in the actual workplace. She barely has time for me and she always comes home late.

In short, I just miss her so damn much.

Nayeon didn't even look up when I asked her to take a break. She was so engrossed with her work and the deadline that was due that day.

"Nayeon..." I whispered again. She looked up with an annoyed expression.

"What. Can't you see I'm busy?" She said in a cold tone.

"Can't you take a small break."

"No. This thing is due tomorrow."

"I just want to talk about us," I said. She sighed and shook her head no.

"I'll talk to you in the morning-"

"You said that yesterday and the day before that. Can we just talk now?"

"Why are you so inconsiderate? I work my ass off to have an amazing future for the both of us. You don't even have a damn job." She spat at me. I froze and didn't say anything. "Now get out of the damn room. I'm busy." I nodded holding back my tears. I left the room and closed the door gently.

She's always done this to me.

She always said that I need her.

I've tried talking to her for months about how I hated the way she put work above everything else. I love that she got the promotion but she doesn't have time for me and is always stressed.

I love her so damn much. But I know I deserve better. I thought back to the times we were interrupted because of her job. And the fact that she dropped everything to go back to it.

six months ago

"I'm sorry that work took over me babe. I promise I'll make more time for us." Nayeon said. I smiled and held her hands.

We were at a restaurant for the first time in months. Ever since she got that promotion she has been working all week with no breaks.

When she is home she works on the paperwork that she didn't get to. This was the first time that we were together and not talking about her work.

"I missed you babe." I said with a smile. Nayeon was about to say something when her phone rang. She made me let go of her hands and took the phone call. I knew that she was going to be leaving by the look on her face and the urgent voice on the other side of the phone.

"Alright...alright keep your pants on Tzuyu I'm coming. Bye." She hung up the phone and gave me an apologetic look. "Babe I'm sorry-"

"It's ok, just go I'll take the food to go." Nayeon got up and gave me a kiss.

"I'll make it up to you babe, we'll do this again next week ok. I promise." I then watched her walk out of the restaurant.

We didn't go to dinner at all after that. She was too busy.


It was the next day and I was planning on talking to Nayeon this time. No interruptions.

It was the afternoon and I was waiting for Nayeon to come back from her job. I rehearsed the things that I wanted to talk to Nayeon about.

The door then opened and in came a tired Nayeon. I got up and greeted her.

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