☑️ (2) favor; michaeng

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mina pov

"I need a favor."

I looked at him like he was a lunatic. "What more do you want me to do-"

"I'll give you back your stupid soul just help me with something."

"Now buddy we had a deal." I said angrily getting up. Jimin looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Now did you count wrong or something because this one is number one hundred, the last one counted as one it wasn't my fault that the other girl fell for you also." I looked at him in an angry way that made even him look down.

I became a player. To other people I seem like I don't have emotions, which is true. But my friends didn't suspect a thing. Just like what Jimin said, he has his ways. I wanted my soul back after realizing that Dahyun was just a stupid phase and I got over it after a year, but I still had a lot more favors to go. Now I'm on number one hundred and was supposed to be finished but he didn't count the last two people that I played. Only one of them.

The most surprising part was that Nayeon and Jeongyeon are still hopelessly in love with each other. Hopefully the sarcasm could be heard. I saw those two ending up together from a mile away. And Jihyo was still alone, sadly.

"Excuse me." I turned around and noticed that Jimin was still standing there is black wings moving a little. That only happens when things don't go his way. "I still need you to break this girl's heart. Now she is a tough one because no matter what you do she is going to try to find the good in you. I know you are the perfect person for the job. You have a success rate of 100%, don't let this girl ruin your perfect score." He explained while giving me a report about this girl. I made guys and girls fall for me but I end up breaking their hearts in the end.

I compromised with Jimin saying I will break anyone's hearts just not my friends and he seems to not have a problem with that. Anyways, I always get a description of the person Jimin wants me to break. I get to know what they like and don't like, past relationships, friendships, basically a summary of them and who they are.

I looked at the profile Jimin gave me and noticed that this girl doesn't do anything bad. She never got her heart broken. She has a perfect family, perfect life, and smart. She's nice and she's extremely pretty. She has great friends, but she never dates anyone. I looked at what she likes and one of them was making sure her friends and family were fine before herself. Well damn. I thought as I flipped through her description. Jimin looked over my shoulder just so he can read what I'm reading.

"And a bonus as this is the last favor is that she's smoking hot." He said. I turned to look at him and smacked his arm. Wow I smacked the devil's arm. "Jeez woman I was just kidding, I already have Taehyung I don't need a girl." Jimin said while rubbing his arm. I just rolled my eyes and kept reading about her

"Oh, and I need you to start with her as soon as possible." Now here's the thing. When Jimin assigns me to someone I always get more than just the person I'm targeting. I always get their friends also and Jimin wants me to break their hearts also as a bonus. But he always gives me three days to a week to prepare.

"Why so sudden?" I asked him, he looked at me and his face transformed into an angry one.

"That girl is ruining my plans for other people. She always persuades them to do the right thing instead of not. She's literally a threat to me and I need her taken cared of fast and soon." I looked at her description again.

"Are you sure she's perfect?"

"You know how it said she never dated? Well she's been asked out many times and she always rejects them in the nicest way possible. You'd think she would make the person bitter and angry, but no, she makes them into a better person and find them someone else. She's never been jealous and she never fell in love. So I want you to be her first love and break her heart into little tiny pieces." He finished ranting and sat down.

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