☑️ that melody; 2yeon

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in a world where people are assigned a soulmate and have an original song in their head that only them and their soulmate knows.

nayeon pov

"You guys!" I tried to get the attention of my friends. Momo and Sana were busy gaying around while Mina and Chaeyoung were being adorable with each other. The four of them stared at me.

"Yes?" Sana asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Bitch don't even start!" I growled out angrily. She smirked and held her hands up in the air.

"I'm sorry, I meant what do you want?" I groaned while the rest of them tried to suppress their giggles.

"Can you help me out? I've been trying to find my soulmate for the past 23 years of my life." I whined and stared to stomp around the room.

The couples beamed at each other while I looked at them in disgust.

"Ok, well you just have to be patient." I ruffled my hair and stared at her.

"You met Chaeyoung when we were 18. And you met Momo when you were 19 Sana!" I yelled out. They all gave me a sad look.

"It's ok, maybe your soulmate doesn't want to be found..." Momo suggested. I sighed and sat down on the couch again.

We were currently at my house. I was pretty rich since I have a job that pays well. I finished school while the rest of my friends still has a year to go. You could say I'm very successful.

The only thing I'm not successful at is finding my soulmate. It's so frustrating seeing my friends get all cuddly and happy while I have no one.

"Wait can you guys answer one more question." All four of them stared at me.

"How will you know... like how will you know if they have the same melody as you?" The couples looked at each other and smiled.

"Well one of them has to hum your guys' songs. We can't read their minds you know." Sana answered. I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

"Alright. You guys sleeping over or you heading out?"

"We're going to head out, Momo and I have plans," Sana said. Momo then winked at me, turned around and left the house. 

"They're going to fuck aren't they." 

"Yep," Michaeng responded together and left also. I sighed and followed them out the door. I saw the way Mina held Chaeyoung's hand, how happy they were together. I slammed the door shut. I went up the stairs, forgetting to lock the door. I didn't know it at the time but I'll regret it. 

It was the middle of the night when I heard a loud slam downstairs. Scared out of mind I went into my closet. Heh. 

I saw a person in all black enter my room. They had a gun on one hand and a bag on the other. I saw them look around my room, knocking everything over. I cringed when I saw my expensive vase fall. That was a lot of fucking money. I thought angrily. As I watched the person go through my things, they all of a sudden stopped. 

They went to my side of the bed and felt it. Shit. I thought. The person then looked in the direction of the closet. I quickly shut the covers and went deeper in. I heard the person laugh as they walked closer to where I was at. 

"You should come out... I'll hurt you less." A muffled voice came through. I closed my eyes shut and tried to calm my breathing. The person then knocked on the closet door, in a creepy way. 

Knock... knock... knock...

I'm not going to die before I meet my soulmate. Are you kidding me? I thought angrily. I growled and opened the closet door hard. The person wasn't expecting that and landed straight on their ass. I quickly took off the mask. 

It was a woman.

I didn't expect that. Her body was built. I could see her muscles through the outfit. 

She glared at me and held the gun on my head. 

Oh shit, I might just die because I was staring at this beautiful woman. I thought and raised both of my hands. She got up and took my arm. We left my house and she forced me into a taxi. I didn't protest though. 

But she did tie me up and put a rag in my mouth. I was in the back of the taxi, only my hands tied together. I waited until she went to the passenger's seat and started the car. The window next to mine was covered, meaning I can't see what roads we're passing by. Before we left she shut the slot door where I could see her, leaving me in darkness. 

After about an hour we finally stopped. 

The beautiful girl opened my side of the door. I stared at her. She took off her longsleeved black shirt and was left in a tank top and her black jeans. I just stared at her dumbly while she rolled her eyes. She then grabbed my arm and led me into her house. We were in the middle of a field with a house in between. Oh yeah, I'm so gonna die. 

She roughly pushed me into a couch and took off the rag in my mouth. I then proceeded to breathe from my mouth while looking at her for an answer. 

She then checked me out from head to toe. She smirked while I frowned in confusion. 

"Tell me, did you find your soulmate yet..." She asked me while she got comfortable in a chair that she probably stole. 

"No, I couldn't find them. It's like they're trying to hide." I responded. She nodded and pushed her short hair back. 

"Yeah well, I kind of feel bad for my soulmate, they're probably lonely. Too bad what I do is too dangerous, if they could, they should find someone else."

"Well, that's not how it works." I argued a bit. She shook her head and stood up. 

"I don't think I deserve my soulmate's love, this isn't the life I would want for them." I opened my mouth to respond again but she gestured for me to be quiet. "You know too much, so you're going to stay with me for a while." She didn't give me a chance to respond as she shoved me up the stairs and led me to a bedroom. 

She then cut the rope from my hands and shoved me to the bed. 

"Wait." I called out. She stopped and stared at me. "What's your name?" 

"It's Jeongyeon." She replied shortly and left the door. I heard a lock on the other side. 

I don't really know how much time passed, there wasn't a window. The room was white, just white. The bedsheets were white. Even the light was white. But at least the bed was comfortable. I had my own bathroom which was blue. She needed work on her house decor skills. 

I was really bored. I didn't have anything to do. While I was stretching, Jeongyeon came in with food. I was bending over and immediately fell over when I heard the door open. I turned red after I saw her smirk. 

"I thought you might be hungry." I nodded and took the food gratefully. She closed the door and laid on the bed as I ate on the floor. While I was eating I was thinking about my melody. Put your hand in mine. You know that I want to be with you all the time. You know that I won't stop until I make you mine. I thought in my head as I finished eating my food. 

I then heard Jeongyeon mutter gently. 

"Put your hand in mine. You know that I want to be with you all the time..." I froze and stared at her. She continued to hum through the melody until she finished the song. She then got up from her laying position to see me staring at her. 

"What?" She asked. 

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