☑️ just a check up; namo

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dedicated to Kleer00

in which nayeon is a nurse and momo is just a patient who's going in for a check up. [short, but sweet]

nayeon pov

Another boring day. I thought as I walked down the hallway. I'm a nurse and there's really nothing to do here. I made sure the patients are ok and I have to deal with their bullshit. Four years of college for this. Wow.

I entered the doctors office yet again.

"Here Jin." I said handing him the report of a patient. He smiled at me and retrieved the folder.

"Thank you Nayeon." He smiled at me and I smiled back. A fake one of course I have to be nice or else I'll get fired.

I immediately left his office and looked at my watch. 1:30 ughh. I thought. I had another patient coming in. I walked down the long halls again and went into a room. I sat down at the chair and logged into the computer.

Momo Hirai.

Hmm. Alright I guess.

There was a limit to what I can see and do. I only knew her medical information. She doesn't even come with a picture.

Alright let's see how she is. I thought and stood up. I grabbed my clipboard and pen. I opened the door and went to the waiting room. I opened the door and all eyes were on me.

"Momo Hirai?" I called out searching for someone to stand up.

"That's me-" someone started. I looked towards the voice and stood there in shock. Both of our eyes widened.

momo pov

"This is a bad idea." I said to Sana who pulled me towards the waiting room of the hospital. She gave me an irritated look.

"You haven't been to the doctors for anything. Not even for your broken toe."

"Ok well for your information I ain't no little bitch who cried over a bruised toe."

"You wouldn't stop crying you dumbass!" Sana said in a loud tone. Some people turned around making Sana blush.

"Sorry." She said in a timid voice. I smirked and sat down. She glared at me and sat down next to me.

"I already made an appointment for you so your name should be called any minute-"

"Momo Hirai?" A voice interrupted Sana. I stood up.

"That's me-" I was about to say but froze as I saw who is was. Oh shit. Shit. I thought as I saw the nurse. She looked surprised also. We both hadn't move for about thirty seconds making things a little awkward. Sana pushed me towards the nurse and I went along with it.

"You can go through here." She said as she lead me away from the waiting room. I looked at her back and the way she walked. Does she remember me? I thought as I followed her.

"Alright, now just sit right here while I ask you a few questions, alright?" She explained and I nodded along. Out of all the chances in running into her I did. Weird. I thought and waited for her to finish her thing with me.

"Ok, so is there anything wrong with you? Do you have any concerns that might have lead you here." She asked while putting on her stethoscope. I glanced at her and thought of something.

"Uh no, I'm just here to see if I'm healthy." I said giggling nervously. She nodded with a straight face and wrote something down on her clipboard.

"Alright let me see if your heart beat is alright." She said and started to come towards me. My eyes widened and I felt my heart beat faster. She got really close and put on her stethoscope.

"Uh, this might be a little weird. I haven't been to the doctor's in a while..." I said nervously and she smiled. She looks so pretty close up... I thought as I stared at her.

"It's fine. This isn't the first time someone got nervous around me." She said. "Now I want you to breathe in and breathe out." I did what she said. I made a mistake in looked at her in the eyes. She stared into my eyes and I stopped breathing. She pulled away. I gulped.

"Good." She said quickly and wrote something in her clipboard again. I watched after her blushing.

"I'm sorry if I made things awkward-"

"No, no you didn't." The nurse said. I looked over her and realized that she had a name tag. Nayeon. I smiled. Now I know her name.

"Can I ask you some questions now?" I asked. She froze and stopped what she was doing.

nayeon pov

I was shocked when she recommended that. I don't usually let patients ask questions but, well she was a bit different. We already knew each other. But not like how you think. She was a one night stand.

We met at a bar, I wanted to loose up and apparently she did also. I would never have forgotten those eyes and how she looked at me from across the bar. And now here we are a few months later.

"Sure." I said and crossed my arms while sitting on my chair. She smirked at me.

"Do you remember me?" She asked first. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"No, no I just froze in the waiting room like an idiot when I saw you, yeah I have no idea who you are." I said sarcastically. She smiled at me.

"Wow, you still have that sass huh?" I sighed and started to get up.

"I have to-"

"Hold on, I wasn't done asking questions though..." She said in a sad tone. I gulped. She looked so cute right there. I ended up sitting back down and her smiling happily.

"How did you feel after that one night..." she trailed off.

"I kind of don't want to answer that-"

"No, come on. I won't make it weird." I gave her a look and she smiled at me. "Promise." She said holding out her pinkie. I rolled my eyes but ended up locking pinkies with her.

"If you want to know the truth, it was nice. I definitely didn't forget about you..." I said.

"Well, if it helps, I didn't forget about you also." We looked at each other. There was some thick tension over here and I didn't really want to get fired.

"Ok look, I have other patients to attend to but if you want to see me again can you wait until my shift is over?" Her eyes gleamed with delight when I said that.

"No problem." She said and got up. I walked after her.

"My shift is over in an hour, so if you could wait..." I trailed off. She smiled at me.

"I wouldn't let you go again."

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