Drawn to Each Other in Spring

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The following day, Kaori was told that he could see Kousei in the afternoon hours at Totsuhara Hospital. Kaori was still emotionally unsettled over what happened to him. She just kept at it with the violin when she wasn't studying, because even though it seemed like her playing was off-kilter at times now, she would just keep plugging away to see whether her old touch came back, which it did at certain moments.

After school, Kaori briefly went home and changed into something more comfortable. It seemed like when she wasn't at school, all she wore was Rider gear. This time, she wore the team jersey.

As she headed to the hospital, she got some flowers, and some sheet music to help him out when he would be released. Because it was the right thing to do.

Just then, as she got to the hospital, Kaori asked the receptionist "Where is Mr. Kousei Arima's room?" The receptionist replied with "Room 220." Kaori said, "Thank you", and headed to the second floor where Kousei would be. Just then, waiting by the door talking to a doctor, was Hiroko Seto. Kaori had heard a bit about her, being a renowned pianist in Japan, but she had no idea, at least for the moment, how Kousei was both her de facto guardian and mentor.

After Hiroko stopped talking, she turned her gaze to Kaori. Kaori asked.... "Who are you? Have we met before?" Hiroko stopped. "Kaori?" Kaori's mind was refreshed. "Oh, Hiroko Seto... I remember you. I think we ran into each other at the Maihou contest a week ago." Kaori slowly put her stuff down and began to have a conversation with Hiroko. "Yes, we did. It was brief, but it's good to see you again, Miss Miyazono. I'm Hiroko Seto, once again. You're wondering about my connection to Kousei. Before you ask, I am a close friend of his mother's, his guardian and also his mentor. You must be a friend of his, am I right?" Kaori nodded. "Yes, Hiroko." Hiroko then took notice at her bright green jersey. "Sas... Saskat-che-wan... who?" 

Kaori then cleared her up. "Saskatchewan Roughriders. They're a team in the Canadian Football League. My uncle over in Canada, Seiya loves Canadian football a lot, and he gives me Saskatchewan Roughrider stuff from time to time. I really love it." Hiroko smiled at the blond-haired girl. "Quite wonderful, Kaori. We can't see Kousei at the moment, but we should take a moment, walk around and talk together." 

Kaori put the flowers and sheet music temporarily right by the door Kousei's room. As the two started to walk around, Hiroko began to have a conversation with Kaori. "So, Kaori, how long have you known Kousei?" Kaori said "It has got to be eight years, or so.... But it's only been in the past few months that I've got to known him more." Hiroko said, "I see. There's just something.... I have to tell you a, uh, little bit more about him, and then we'll get to how he is doing." 

Kaori nodded. "Okay, Hiroko, go on. What is it about him that's uh, something I need to know?" Hiroko got started. "In regards to Kousei, as I said, I am a friend of his late mother's. And, here is something that I need to get started with. I knew his mother for so well. Unfortunately, she was very manipulative, and shared a rather bipolar relationship with Kousei." Kaori said "Oh, my! That's just bad..... go on.... I'm listening." 

Hiroko then added "I say this to you because you need to know him a bit more. Saki Arima, Kousei's mother, was such a perfectionist, that this attitude was instilled from Kousei at a young age. He just pushed him to be not just a great piano player, but the greatest out there. I also mention them having a bipolar relationship, in that they'd be loving each other one moment, and then just exchanging fighting words the next. Over the years, she trained Kousei to be almost... machine like at the piano. One day, things reached a head when Kousei found out her mother was terminally ill. He wanted to make her proud at a competition that eventually won, but for some reason, she felt that he had deviated from the score a bit, and just beat him senselessly. It took me and a few other people to intervene against Saki's just, rather cruel beating of him, and that just proved to be his breaking point with him. He said to her mother one day, 'I HOPE YOU DIE!' And just like that, she died shortly after. In the years since his death, he's just been stuck in his own bubble. Imprisoned, even. The fact that he wished that she'd die really just stuck a hole in his heart. That brings us to where we are now."

Before Hiroko could talk any further, Kaori said, adding two and two together, "Oh, dear lord! Now I can see why he was so stuck up early on..... I feel sorry for the guy. It all adds up now, why he refused to talk to me or even accept my offer to be my accompanist." Hiroko continued. "That is correct, Kaori. I've known Kousei for so long. Anyway, here's the latest. His head was rather badly impacted by the signpost, and the doctors believe that while he will survive this one, some parts of his brain have been badly impacted. Notably, I've been told his speech has slowed down, and he is eating a bit slower. In addition, his prosthetic foot was destroyed, sadly enough. He will need crutches until a replacement prosthetic can be found. Also, this is only preliminary, so I won't jump to conclusions, but it is looking likely that he may have the same disease that ended his mother's life. Remember, this is only early, so we don't know for sure....." 

Kaori started to shed a few tears, realizing her worries in him were well-founded. "Oh, god.... Why? What did he do to deserve this?!" Even at this, Hiroko reassured her. "Kaori.... Hear me out, please. I know Kousei is struggling at the moment.... But she's told me about you. How she sees you as someone who can finally see color in the world again. And how you've become good friends with each other. I know that this is a rough patch for him, but you can still be the light of his life. You can still give him a major lift. I believe in you, Kaori Miyazono." 

Kaori, with tears still appearing from her eyes slowly, but now about to stop shedding them, was reassured. "You are right, Miss Seto.... I can still be the light in his life." The two hugged each other. "I'm glad that we were able to have a great conversation with each other..... and you now have me, Hiroko Seto, as your new friend."

Kaori just closed her eyes, reassured that he would still be alright, even after this harrowing experience. "I know he'll never be the same.... But you can still be his reason for living."

Kaori said, "Yes... Hiroko. I do believe."

The two could not talk to Kousei, as he would have to undergo further care on his somewhat damaged head over the next two days.

As the two left the hospital for the night, Hiroko said to Kaori "We can talk to Kousei in two days. Remember, Kaori Miyazono: Consider me your new friend. We can help Kousei heal together." The two shook hands and Kaori said, "Yes.... we can. We'll be there for him every step of the way from here on out." Hiroko smiled at her and said "That's the spirit. It's getting late, so I'll talk to you in a couple of days to check on him." Kaori said "Thank you, Miss Seto. It's been a pleasure meeting you here."

Kaori then got back to sleep at her residence, knowing that somehow, Kousei would pull through. She also expressed a slight concern over how her worries were also slowly eroding her violin skills, but she tried to tell herself not to dwell on it. She was also feeling good about the fact she had also made a new friend in Hiroko Seto, who was sisterly towards Kaori; it would be the beginning of a warm relationship between the two.

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