Forever and Ever

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NOTE: This is it! This is the last chapter! Coming up will be my thought process for this story. I hope you have all enjoyed this fic, despite its darkness!

And so, for me, Kaori Miyazono, even though it's been 20 years since you ended your story, Kousei Arima, I'm glad that I have been able to carry on my own for your sake. You've inspired so many people, not just in Japan, but around the world, to help pursue their musical dreams. And now, thanks to you, Kousei Arima, I am a world-renowned violinist, who is loved the world over. I'm a changed woman, thanks to you. You've really made a very big difference in my life, and I'm glad I was able to change yours.... Kousei, people still love you, and they always will, forever and ever.

Kaori Miyazono woke up on March 28, on what would have been Kousei Arima's birthday.

She was now 35 years old, a world-renowned violinist, and a mother to a cute 5-year old son named Hikaru, who shared her same blond locks. And who was Hikaru's father? Why, it was a man named Hayato Minamida, who happened to be the stepson of the late Kousei Arima's father, Takahiko, who had moved on with his life after Kousei's demise and remarried to another musician named Atsuko Minamida; Kaori had married Hayato. Hayato was the very spitting image of the deceased Kousei Arima, and it was hard to tell sometimes whether he was Kousei or Hayato.

Hayato smiled at the framed picture of Kousei Arima to Kaori. "You know, I look at this picture, and think about Kousei. He really was loved." Kaori smiled and said "He sure was, Hayato. I still have those two letters he left for me when he died..... he said in one of them, 'Will you remember me in 20 years?' And, yes, I do. We both do."

Kaori looked at her son and smiled. "Hikaru, you are so wonderful! How have you been today?" Hikaru said "Great, mom! I love you!" Kaori said, "I love you too, Hikaru!" Hayato smiled. "Aah, a nice mother/son relationship." Kaori, of course, still loved the Saskatchewan Roughriders. She was wearing the team's polo shirt today.

On this day, there was a gathering at a park to remember Kousei Arima. Among some of the guests were Kousei's father, Takahiko, who was almost nearing his retirement with his second wife, Atsuko, Kaori's parents, Ryoko and Yoshiyuki, who were filled with nothing but effusive pride and praise for their daughter for having pulled through during her most emotionally distressed hour (and also in the fact they were also grandparents to a cute son), and were about to sell their bakery to the next generation, but it would stay within the Miyazono family; Tsubaki Sawabe, who had become a hairdresser, Ryouta Watari, who had become a sportswriter.

Hiroko Seto, who had a hand in helping Kaori after Kousei's death (and still was a music teacher). was accompanied by her daughter, Koharu, who was now in her early 20s, and quite a few others, including Keiko Tamura, who still played music, but was also now a music teacher; she had both one son and one daughter. Emi Igawa, Takeshi Aiza and his sister Nagi had also become professional piano players; Nagi was now all grown up, being in her early 30s, with a son and daughter of her own; Emi had a daughter and Takeshi a son. Also present was Nao Kashiwagi, who became a newspaper journalist, and had a son. The World Young Orchestra Foundation had set up a scholarship called Kousei's Wish; it was eligible for any teenage orchestra musician anywhere in the world.

20 years had passed, but the love for Kousei still lived on. The mood at the gathering was quite a happy one. They all had some stories to share about Kousei, his short life, the impact he left on young musicians across the world, and how loved he was to this day. Kaori then saw Koharu, with Hiroko. Kaori smiled at Koharu, "Koharu! I remember you! You've grown a lot since I last saw you a while ago!" Koharu smiled, and now that she was in her early 20s, she had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. "Yes, I have!" 

Kaori said, "Your mom and I go back a ways... we're still pretty close after all these years!" Koharu said "Yeah, she's told me all about it in fact we've met a few times when I was younger. She even taught me how to play the piano as well." Kaori smiled and said, "You play so excellently.... you've grown up quite nicely, I must say!" Koharu said "Why, thanks!" Takahiko then spotted Kaori. "You know, ever since Kousei left us, your family and me have developed quite a kinship. Ryoko and Yoshiyuki are nice people.... and remember those foreigner friends you met?" 

Kaori said "You mean Brian and Lisa? They work in computers now, the both of them, but they still love music. They couldn't be here today, nor could uncle Seiya, he's busy back in Canada.... but he still loves the Saskatchewan Roughriders, Takahiko!" Takahiko hugged Kaori. "I'm glad you married my stepson. It means a lot to me.... he does look like Kousei. I can't help but be reminded of him." Kaori said "Yeah.... he's a wonderful guy." A lot of chatter went on during this gathering, and it was a joyous time, despite the fact that Kousei Arima was gone. The love for him really did live on.

Kaori then talked to Nagi Aiza. "20 years since Kousei left us, huh? It's hard to believe what a young life taken so soon..... can have a long-lasting impact on all of us." Kaori nodded, and replied "True, true, Nagi..."

Just then, Kaori, Hayato and Hikaru gazed at a painting of Kousei on his piano that was being displayed at the party. Kaori closed her eyes and smiled at the painting. She took this moment to express her gratitude to the friends that had helped save her from her worst emotional episode 20 years earlier, and how she made a difference in Kousei's life.

Hiroko... Tsubaki... Watari... Lisa... Brian... Keiko... I'm so glad I've been able to meet and know you all... and you, Kousei... I'm forever grateful to have made a difference in your life.....


END CREDITS SONG: "Adieu My Love" by Chikako Ishikawa (song is up on the top of page)

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