The Edge of a Dream

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NOTE: This is it. After this chapter, everything will diverge from the original story and be completely original. Stay tuned for more.


As some time passed, and Kousei and Emi and later, Keiko and Takeshi's performances on the TV, Kousei became introspective about himself again. My mother.... she came back for me! She has set the bar so high for me. My voice.... it's slowly disappearing. My brain.... diminishing. How can I make her proud when I have her same disease.....? Is my time soon going to be up? How will people remember me when I go? I'm known so well, but yet..... I'm feeling unloved. Will I make it past this year? Will there EVER be a miracle cure for what my brain is going through? Just focus and live in the now, Kousei. Live in the NOW. Worry about this Gala, and then take care of other things later..... you are what you are. Remember what Kaori said: ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL. You are on the edge of a dream. Maybe you might fall, but maybe you will fly!

Hiroko came up to the nearly expressionless, almost statue-like Kousei. "Kousei.... are you sure you'll be okay?" Kousei nodded. "Yes... yes..." Hiroko informed him "You're almost up." Sometimes, it seemed like Kousei was on pins and needles. He was sweating a little, but he tried to reassure himself that he would be alright. Kaori came up to the spaced-out Kousei. "Dear lord, Kousei..... you've look liked been through a lot of car crashes. We're almost up. One more time, Kousei...... all for one.... and one for all!" Hiroko went back into to the audience to watch the performances, with Tsubaki and Watari watching with her.

Kousei, for once, actually said the phrase at a normal speed, prior to his second accident. Kousei was ready, and he had to be with Kaori. This was going to be his moment. 

He was now on the edge of a dream. Even for someone who was about to be 15 soon, he knew that even with his diminishing brain power and mobility, this was to be the biggest stage for him to shine. Keiko, who was backstage wished Kousei well. "Go get 'em, Kousei. You can do this." Kousei signaled a thumbs up to Keiko.

But even with this, if he made one single mistake, everyone would be laughing at him, just like in the horror movie and novel Carrie, only without the fake blood falling on him. As Kousei and Kaori were called to the stage, Kousei, with his slow mobility and his prosthetic left foot exposed, assumed the position on his piano bench. He winked at Kaori and Kaori winked back and pointed to him and gave him the thumbs up. 

She said to him, "Let's do this!". As Kousei made his way to the stage, some gasped at his appearance, the fact the head scars on his head from the impacts, and the fact he was starting to look a bit malnourished because of the head injuries aggravating his condition. But now was NOT the time to think about that for Kousei, and he had to focus on Kaori, who was seemingly his destiny.

and started playing Love's Sorrow, or at least his part with the piano. Even with the fact that his whole world was seemingly collapsing, for these few minutes, his mind was finally firmly focused on the piano. For years, his mother, in spite of the abuse the she had inflicted on her due to her 'tough love' parenting style, had also instilled a bit of confidence whenever he played. Nonetheless, even though for the most part, his head was seemingly short circuiting at times, everything around the two looked very lovely. He imagined himself somewhere in Europe, on a concert stage, playing the piano with Kaori on her violin, and Kousei was actually playing everything according to the score. For this moment, Kousei was back to his old self. Only time would tell if it would be the last time this would be true. Kaori looked at Kousei and thought to herself Wow! This guy...... he's looking like nothing ever happened to him! Can this be a miracle I'm seeing from him? 

Kaori's violin playing was melding well with Kousei, and he NEVER lost a beat. Even with his hearing and sight diminishing somewhat, it hadn't yet reached a point where both were fully gone. It seemed like he could perform this piece in his sleep, and make it beautiful, like a professional that was at least 20 or 30 years older than he was. The same could be said of Kaori's violin playing..... she also dreamt of being on a beach, playing their music. For the two of them, this might as well have been their Grey Cup final, which is the Canadian Football League's championship game held in late November. Kaori, being that she now liked the CFL, as she played, also fantasized of her and Kousei hoisting the Grey Cup.

After a few minutes, they completed their playing of Love's Sorrow. The crowd applauded the two. Kousei stood up, and took a moment to take it all in. Kaori did likewise and smiled at Kousei. Kousei actually made no mistakes, as did Kaori. Suddenly, Kousei abruptly left and had to somewhere. He was exhausted...... and feeling like all that perfection had shorted out his brain.

Kousei later had gone backstage, sitting on a chair, panting. Kaori and Hiroko spotted him. He was sweating, and it had seeped through his suit. Hiroko, concerned, said "Kousei! The people.... they were cheering for you! Are you feeling alright?" Kousei slowed down and said "Yes..... I am..... alright..... I feel..... like..... all this..... took a lot.... out of me." Kaori smiled at Kousei and said "They loved you out there. We actually connected and melded together. I'm happy for you. You should be happy for me." 

Kousei said "Yes..... I'm happy..... for you...... Kaori. My mother..... she saw..... me...... everything I..... did..... did this..... reach her? She and..... I..... are..... seemingly connected. Even though.... she's gone. All of this..... makes me.... feel good..... but I am... exhausted. I need..... to go off..... see you, Kaori, Hiroko...." Kousei then slowly got up and left the concert hall, with Kaori and Hiroko just shocked that he would leave this early. Understandably, being exhausted and mentally expended, he needed somewhere to go to cool off.

About 20 minutes later, Kaori, Hiroko, Tsubaki and Watari convened. They were concerned as to where Kousei had gone. Hiroko then got a message from Kousei. "Guys.... I've been told he just walked home. He said his brain is feeling pretty worn out from all this. He said he went home..... I just worry about the guy." Kaori reassured Hiroko. "I think he'll be okay...... but I wonder what will happen to him in the future? Indeed, the four people became concerned about what would happen to Kousei as the summer approached. Nobody told Kaori and Kousei about this, but they had been voted as the best performers of the Gala.

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