A Crystal Clear Destiny/The Ghost of His Mother

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ABOVE: This is Keiko Tamura, one of the new characters original to this story

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ABOVE: This is Keiko Tamura, one of the new characters original to this story.


Kousei was now in the main lobby of Towa Hall, looking quite placid.

Meanwhile, Emi and Takeshi spotted Kousei all by himself sitting on a chair to catch his breath. They had also found a third person, who was somewhat of an unknown to Kousei. "Kousei!" Emi beamed with a smile on her face. Kousei smiled right back. "Hey, you... guys." The new girl whispered to Emi and Takeshi "Please be kind to him, he's been through a lot, and it's now starting to show." Kousei then asked "Who's.... this.... new girl?" 

The girl, who had a short-like hairstyle akin to Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon and was a teenage girl of both average height and build wearing glasses, formally introduced herself to Kousei. "My name is Keiko Tamura. You may not have known me, but I was inspired by you many years ago to take up the piano. It's taken me on quite a journey in my life since. But, ever since what has happened to you.... I can't help but feel heartbroken for you, Mr. Arima. You've made my dreams come true, you know." 

Just then, Keiko hugged Kousei, and Kousei shed a few tears, being overwhelmed by this outpouring of love. "I can only wish the very best out of you..... I don't want you getting hurt, ever again!" Kousei then said "I..... hope..... I can be..... better again. Thank... you.... Keiko." Keiko then said, as the two ended the hug, "I'm impressed you are here today. There are people out there that want to hear you again. I have faith in you. I got to perform soon, Kousei. It's been nice meeting you." Kousei said "Thank you..... Keiko." Emi said "Every time I see you now, it's like a part of me is heartbroken. It seemed like Keiko genuinely felt for you." "It's... all good." 

Takeshi said "You certainly have inspired a lot of people. I also feel the same way seeing you like this as Emi, it's tearing me apart." "Yeah..... but it's not..... like this.... will be.... permanent. I'm... playing a song.... that is dedicated.... to my mother. Love's.... Sorrow." Emi then asked "Jeez, Kousei. You're speaking slower than usual. Is your head screwed on straight?" 

Kousei said "Uh, yeah..... it is. I've.... never played.... it before.... but this.... will be the first.... time..... ever. I gotta..... run. I need.... some time.... to myself, guys..." Kousei then went off and headed outside to catch his breath. "Nice talking to you, Kousei. Take it easy out there, just don't push yourself too hard." 

Kousei then limped off. Emi and Takeshi had some questions about him. "This guy..... getting into two accidents, and now it's becoming apparent that he isn't the same Kousei we knew before. Will he ever be okay again?" Emi wanted to know. "Beats me.... but that guy still has plenty of fight in him. When you get into two accidents like that, it tends to mess you up, sadly. But he'll come through."

Just as Kousei found himself outside the hall to catch his breath, a ghost came to see him. It was that of his mother, Saki.

"So, you've seen your old friends, huh? It's nice of you to catch up with them. Never thought I'd see you again... and especially like this."

"Is this.... a dream? Where.... am I? Am I really.... seeing you... mom?"

"Yes, you are, Kousei. But, again, I'm not really here, I'm just existing in your imagination. Your head.... is it screwed on straight?"

"Yes.... mom.... although I..... feel like.... It's missing.... or even fallen.... off."

"Good to know. Like I said, I'm not really here..... don't go insane because you're imagining me right now. Now, get your butt into the lobby of the hall.... People are waiting for you. Yesterday's gone, and tomorrow is waiting, as well. It's your time to shine..... Kousei."

Indeed, he went backstage and into a small room, where it was just him..... and the ghost his mother showed up once more.

"So, how have you been, Kousei, in the two years that have gone by?" Kousei said "My head.... is going.... haywire. I've hit it..... twice.... And sometimes.... I can't.... remember.... some things... like my..... own name.... where I'm.... going..... and what.... time it is."

"Aah. So, you've basically been into a couple of accidents, and now you are speaking slower as a result...... what's happening to you?" the ghost of Saki replied.

"I don't.... know. This month..... has been..... like.... a blur.... to me. I stopped.... playing.... when you.... died. You may..... have been..... a bit... cruel to.... me.... but in.... the end.... You made.... me into.... who I am... now." Kousei stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts. Then he said "But what..... made you.... want to.... come to.... me..... after two.... years?"

The ghost of Saki lit up with a smirk. "Well, you certainly are getting somewhere with this conversation. What killed me two years ago is, unfortunately, hereditary, and you have also been saddled with this disease. Sad, but true. But, getting that out of the way, I'm still by your side, no matter what. This is what I told you from the very beginning, and even now. I'm always going to be by your side, no matter what."

"But.... this disease.... is dragging.... me down. Part of.... me.... is now..... missing. I have.... A prosthetic.... foot.... and life.... is becoming.... more blurred."

Saki's ghost then started to realize the gravity of his situation. She then let out a "Hmm." and said "But that shouldn't stop you from playing the piano, you know. You are what you are...... and did you ever think about all the people you've inspired? Look at it this way.... People love you. Sometimes, you may not think like that, but you are loved."

Kousei said "Well.... I guess.... I am.... loved." Saki continued "But at the same time, there are people that are jealous of you. They don't know success if it hit them upside the head. They also don't possess the level of talent you have. Every pianist I know, well, they wish they were you. Quick question, what sets you apart from other pianists?"

Kousei stopped for a moment. "Uh..... what?" Saki's ghost refreshed him. "Looking at the music according to the sheet and following it accordingly. Here's another question: Why do you think you like performing in front of hundreds of people?" Kousei had an answer this time out. "Uh..... I want..... to prove.... that I am..... an excellent musician..... If not..... The best ever. I get..... a natural..... high..... out of..... it." 

"Good thinking, Kousei, my dear. Think about yourself. I don't know how much time you have, but I want you to realize your potential to your fullest. There's two ways of doing things: The right, not-so-fast way, and the wrong, hurried way. You always followed the first way, so keep at that. Secondly, the music, and the piano live within you. You have to harness your abilities to keep it up. Now, let's take a look at Emi's performance." 

The two looked at the TV at Emi's performance on the piano. Just then, Saki's ghost disappeared as she said "Remember.... Kousei. I still love you..... no matter what I did to you in the past." Kousei said wistfully "Yes.... mom...." As the room came back to normal, Kousei said "Did.... I just..... encounter my mom?" as if an anvil had been dropped on him, like in those old Warner Brothers cartoons. He knew that this was possibly going to be his last chance to prove he was no longer bound to his mother, but if ONE thing went wrong, just ONE thing, his whole life and career would be demolished to rubble in an instant. Even so, Kousei's destiny was now crystal clear.

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