Chapter 65

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Brile Yu-Rhi's POV

"Brile, saan ka pupunta?"

I faced the chubby faced girl and frowned. "Somewhere."

She rolled her eyes. "Breii wouldn't want you somewhere."

"Mavie, I'll be fine. I just need to see someone." I pulled my phone out from my pocket and checked the time. "It'll be early eve later and I gotta go. Xyzzy wouldn't want me getting home late."

Before I can even turn, she pushed me back to my seat and slammed the table.

"Sabi nga ni Breii na hindi ka aalis hanggat wala siya o sila."

"Kulit mo namang babae ka. Ano ba nagustuhan sa'yo ni Breii? Eh ang bait bait non."

Okay. We are in her house; Rain and Raven with Claudia, of course, Breii. But they went to somewhere and I just knew it since I fell asleep.

"Why did even Breii let me to stay here with a witch?" I asked.

"Gago. Bahay ko pa 'to. I-murder kita eh." She walked to the fridge and get some water.

"Come on. I need to see someone important." I rolled my eyes. "Though he's not but the reason is important."

"Saan ka ba pupunta ha?"

"Basta nga. Sabihan mo nalang sila na umuwi na dahil nasa bahay na rin si Xyzzy. Dederetso nalang ako doon mamaya."

"At bakit mo alam na nasa bahay niyo na si Xyzzy?" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes on me.

I looked away and rolled my eyes for the nth time. "I just know."

"I heard you let her with Ken already." She smirked.

"Yeah. That's what makes her happy. So be it." I plainly answered.

As much as I wanted to tie this girl up the tree... I can't. Mahal ng kapatid ko, ano pa'ng magagawa ko kahit ang sarap sana niyang sapakin.

"You know Ken's a good guy." She sat on the other table. "He brought her home already don't you think?"

I wanna laugh when I heard her saying good guy.

I smirked this time. "I know. I know everything about my babe."



I flinched when she threw a tomato on me.

"Bwisit ka talaga." She angrily said.

Agad akong tumayo at nagmadaling lumapit sa door.

"Mataba ka talaga. Pandak pa. Ano'ng tawag doon?" I faced her.

"Cute." She immediately answered.

"Wrong." I chuckled. "Gasul o takuri ang sagot." And I went out as fast as I can before anyone can grab me.

Okay. The dick I'll be seeing is not important at all but the matter that we'll be talking about is very much important.

I got a taxi and told the driver to drive as fast as he can. A life without a car sucks.

"Why here?" I asked him the moment I stepped in.

I look around the bar that is more like a billiards place. I don't know. I don't do billiards.

He's there; seated on a high stool playing with his car keys.

"Nice to see you." He smiled.

"Ang plastic mo tang ina ka." I mumbled.

He laughed with that. "Never the good guy, aren't you?"

I leaned on one of the billiards table and straightly looked at his annoying brown eyes. "What do you really want? Is this going to be a massacre?"

"Massacre? Kung Massacre, bobo, matagal na tayong nagpatayan." He rolled his eyes and stood right in front of me.

"What do you really want to happen? It's past 6."

"Worried that your babysitter will be kinda panic?" He said with sarcasm. "I assure you she won't. You wanna know why?"

"Does she knows who you really are?" I asked with a sign of anger.

"Does she needs to know, Brile?"

I almost threw the damn table at him. Tang inang utak 'yan.

"Do you expect her to just sit pretty once she knew that the guy she's dating-"

"Uh ah Brile. She's already my girl." He said and lifted his phone up, bragging his lock screen wallpaper. "Just hours ago."

How does it feels Brile YU-Rhi to be looking at the picture of the woman you like kissing a guy?

"Yeah sure." I hissed. "Now, you think she'll be happy to know that her boyfriend is an assassin trained to assassinate even the most innocent just for money and fame?" My eyes narrowed even more. "You are a manslayer and probably a murderer."

"Wow. It came from a guy who's being trained to assassinate anyone and everyone who gets in his way." He clapped his hands and walked nearer to me. "Brile, you haven't cut any throats yet but that doesn't mean we're different. We both live in the nasty part of the mafia world. And you are soon be leading your mafia."

I sighed. "She doesn't deserve guys like us Kennedy."

"Brile, let's do the man-talk." He threw his car keys somewhere and leaned beside me. "She will not know anything about the world we are living in. You will let her be happy with me."

"Can't you see that it is what I'm doing?" I snapped.

Pinapamukha pa ng putang ina.

"That's right Brile. Ako ang pinili. So you back off."

"Just make sure that anything bad won't happen to her." I said, more like a whisper with gaze locked on his eyes.

"She's mine now Brile. Matuto kang lumugar." He said through his gritting teeth.

"She should know everything about you, don't you think?" I said and roams my eyes around the place.


"She will. But not for now and definitely not from you."

I chuckled. "Of course. Kung gusto ko talagang sabihin, sana noon ko pa ginawa."

"Siguraduhin mo... magkakamatayan tayo."

I straightly looked at his eyes. "Patayan kung patayan."

It took us a minute to look away from each other's eyes, and it is because metals, probably keys, being dropped.

Agad kaming nagpunta sa likod ng wine counter at nakita namin si Andrei na pawis na pawis hawak hawak ang susi niya ng mahigpit.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Galit na tanong ni Ken.

"How dare you Ken? Narinig ko lahat ng pinag-usapan niyo." He said while he's obviously tense. "Kaninang nalaman ko na kakausapin mo si Brile dito agad kitang sinundan dahil baka kung ano'ng gawin niyo." Some tears fell together with some sweat. "At ano yung mga narinig ko ha? Lalo na ikaw Kennedy! Nasisikmura niyo ang mga 'yon. Pareho kayong demonyo." He cried this time. "Xyzzy doesn't deserve anyone of you! I bet alam niyong pinatay ang grandfather niya! I bet alam niyong malaki ang galit niya sa mga tulad niyo!"

"Andrei I will explain. Please don't let her know." Ken said, begged.

I looked down. "Xyzzy is aware that I'm being trained in the Mafia. Bet she knows almost everything about me." I faced Ken. "How about you?"

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Bunch of MENDOZAsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon